Archives July 2023

Održan prvi sastanak stručnog tima koji će raditi na projektu Srećno dete, zdravo društvo

Projekat Srećno dete, zdravo društvo podržan je od strane Ministarstva za brigu o porodici i demografiju.

Stručni tim koji će raditi na ovom projetu definisao je jasan plan aktivnosti.

Budi i ti deo tima!

Zajedno smo jači!


July 31th, 2023, The first meeting of the professional team working on the Happy Child, Healthy Society project was held

The Happy Child, Healthy Society project is supported by the Ministry for Family Care and Demography. The professional team working on this project has defined a clear plan of activities.

Be a part of the team!

Together we are stronger!

Centar za žrtve nasilja DAR u saradnji sa Centrom za unapređenje društva započinje projekat Srećno dete, zdravo društvo

Centar za žrtve nasilja DAR u saradnji sa Centrom za unapređenje društva započinje projekat Srećno dete, zdravo društvo. Ovaj projekat podržalo je Ministarstvo za brigu o porodici i demografiji.

Budi i ti deo tima!
Zajedno smo jači!


July 25th, 2023, the Center for Victims of Violence “DAR,” in collaboration with the Center for Society Advancement is launching the project “Happy Child, Healthy Society”

This project is supported by the Ministry of Family Care and Demography.

Be a part of the team!

We are stronger together!

Centar za unapređenje društva pokrenuo platformu na kojoj će mlada slepa lica biti tutori strancima za usavršavanje srpskog jezika

Zahvaljujući donatorima, Centar za unapređenje društva pokreće rad platforme na kojoj će mlada slepa lica biti tutori strancima koji žele da usavrše srpski jezik.

Platforma HeyHI, kojoj možete pristupiti putem linka još uvek je u test fazi. U test fazi su dostupni srski i engleski jezik, ali radimo na tome da poboljšamo platformu i proširimo spisak dostupnih jezika koje će korisnici moći da usavršavaju.

Zainteresovani će imati priliku da vežbaju govor srpskog jezika uz pomoć tutora koji su isključivo slepe, slabovide i druge osobe sa invaliditetom.

Platforma je jednostavna za korišćenje: zakazuje se čas koji traje 30 minuta i u dogovoreno vreme preko video-poziva korisnik priča sa svojim tutorom i vežba govorne sposobnosti jezika i uči kako da efikasno komunicira sa drugima. Izražavajući svoje misli, emocije i ideje, korisnik koji usavršava željeni jezik promeniće sliku o sebi i povećati samopouzdanje, a osbama sa invaliditetom će pomoći da aktivno budu uključeni u društvo.

Cilj ove platforme je višestruk. Dok korisnik vežba jezik, pomaže osobama sa invaliditetom da budu više uključeni u društvo, da zarade i doprinesu zajednici.

Napominjemo da je platforma u test fazi i da su časovi besplastni. Želja nam je da ova platforma bude od pomoći svima, kako korisnicima koji žele da njihov govor bude tečniji, tako i tutorima da budu što samostalniji! Stoga, stojimo na raaspolaganju za svaku povratnu informaciju o iskustvima sa platforme, sugestije, greške, koji bi pomogli poboljšanje rada platforme i procesa držanja časova.

Ovim putem pozivamo sve zainteresovane da se priključe, jer tutori su tu tokom celog meseca jula!


July 3rd, 2023, the Center for Society Advancement launched a platform where young visually impaired individuals will be tutors to foreigners looking to improve their Serbian language skills

Thanks to donors, the Center for Society Advancement is initiating the operation of a platform where young visually impaired individuals will act as tutors for foreigners wishing to enhance their proficiency in the Serbian language. The platform, HeyHI, accessible via the link, is currently in the testing phase. During this phase, Serbian and English languages are available, but efforts are underway to enhance the platform and expand the list of available languages for users to improve.

Interested individuals will have the opportunity to practice speaking Serbian with tutors who are exclusively visually impaired, partially sighted, or persons with other disabilities. The platform is user-friendly: users can schedule a 30-minute session and, at the agreed-upon time, engage in a video call with their tutor to practice language-speaking abilities and learn effective communication with others. By expressing their thoughts, emotions, and ideas, users seeking language proficiency will transform their self-image, boost confidence, and help individuals with disabilities actively participate in society.

The platform’s objectives are manifold. While users enhance their language skills, they assist persons with disabilities in increased social inclusion, earning opportunities, and contributing to the community. It is important to note that the platform is in the testing phase, and the sessions are currently free of charge. Our goal is for this platform to be beneficial to everyone—both users aiming for fluent speech and tutors striving for greater independence. Therefore, we welcome any feedback on experiences with the platform, suggestions, and errors that could contribute to improving the platform’s functionality and the tutoring process. We invite all interested parties to join, as tutors will be available throughout the month of July!