Archives August 2023

Snimljen prilog za Beogradsku hroniku

Dušica Jeleč, predsednica Centra za unapređenje društva, i naša koleginica Marija, koja radi sa jednim detetom iz beogradskog doma, za Beogradsku hroniku pričale su o značaju individualnog rada sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja. Ovom prilikom rekle su i nešto više o našem projektu Družimo se i učimo zajedno, koji sprovodi upravo ovu metodu individualnog pristupa.

Zoran Milačić, generalni direktor Centra u Zvecanskoj 7, takođe je izrazio nekoliko pohvalnih reči o ovom projektu.


August 15th, 2023, a segment for Belgrade Chronicles was recorded

Dušica Jeleč, President of the Center for Society Advancement, and our colleague Marija, who works with a child from a Belgrade Children’s home for those without parental care, spoke about the importance of individual work with children without parental care. On this occasion, they also shared more about our project Socializing and Learning Together, which precisely implements this method of individual approach.

Zoran Milačić, the General Director of the Center at Zvecanska 7, also expressed several commendable words about this project.

Uz pomoć volontera, deca su učila o ličnoj bezbednosti i situacijama koje za njih mogu biti ugrožavajuće, sticala znanja o godišnjim dobima, crtala razne predmete i određivala njihovu upotrebu, vežbala pisanje slova i reči kroz igru. Na jednoj od radionica imali su zadatak da nacrtaju sebe kao superheroja i da osmisle koju bi supermoć želeli da poseduju. Takođe, igrali su se pamtomime, oprobali se u ekspresiji emocija kroz glumu i crtali termometar besa/ljutnje po kom su pisali na koji način postupaju kada se nađu na različitom stupnju raspoloženja. Na kraju radionice, deca su sa volonterima diskutovala o reakcijama koje su navodili (psovati, potući se, vikati, šutirati) i zajedničkim snagama došli do zaključka da takve reakcije nisu dobre, nskon čega su od volontera naučili vežbu dubokog disanja, koja pomaže pri smirenju besa. Svaka radionica zaokružena je fudbalom, igrama sa čunjevima, sedenjem sa volonterima u dvorištu i pričom o temama o kojima se govorilo na radionici. Zahvaljujemo se na ovom predivnom iskustvu našim mladim kolegama psiholozima! August 7th, 2023, the Center for Society Advancement and its volunteers diligently worked with children living in a home for children without parential care in Bela Crkva With the assistance of volunteers, the children learned about personal safety and situations that could be threatening to them, gained knowledge about the seasons, drew various objects and determined their use, practiced writing letters and words through play. In one of the workshops, they were tasked with drawing themselves as superheroes and imagining which superpower they would like to possess. Additionally, they played pantomime, experimented with expressing emotions through acting, and drew a thermometer which represents anger, on which they wrote how they behave when they are in different moods. At the end of the workshop, the children discussed with the volunteers the reactions they listed (cursing, fighting, yelling, kicking), and together, they got to the conclusion that such reactions are not good. Following this, they learned from the volunteers the deep breathing exercise, which helps calm anger. Each workshop was closed with soccer, games with cones, sitting with volunteers in the yard, and discussing the topics covered during the workshop. We express our gratitude to our young colleagues, psychologists for this wonderful experience!

Uz pomoć volontera, deca su učila o ličnoj bezbednosti i situacijama koje za njih mogu biti ugrožavajuće, sticala znanja o godišnjim dobima, crtala razne predmete i određivala njihovu upotrebu, vežbala pisanje slova i reči kroz igru.

Na jednoj od radionica imali su zadatak da nacrtaju sebe kao superheroja i da osmisle koju bi supermoć želeli da poseduju. Takođe, igrali su se pamtomime, oprobali se u ekspresiji emocija kroz glumu i crtali termometar besa/ljutnje po kom su pisali na koji način postupaju kada se nađu na različitom stupnju raspoloženja.

Na kraju radionice, deca su sa volonterima diskutovala o reakcijama koje su navodili (psovati, potući se, vikati, šutirati) i zajedničkim snagama došli do zaključka da takve reakcije nisu dobre, nskon čega su od volontera naučili vežbu dubokog disanja, koja pomaže pri smirenju besa.

Svaka radionica zaokružena je fudbalom, igrama sa čunjevima, sedenjem sa volonterima u dvorištu i pričom o temama o kojima se govorilo na radionici.

Zahvaljujemo se na ovom predivnom iskustvu našim mladim kolegama psiholozima!


August 7th, 2023, the Center for Society Advancement and its volunteers diligently worked with children living  in a home for children without parential care in Bela Crkva

With the assistance of volunteers, the children learned about personal safety and situations that could be threatening to them, gained knowledge about the seasons, drew various objects and determined their use, practiced writing letters and words through play.

In one of the workshops, they were tasked with drawing themselves as superheroes and imagining which superpower they would like to possess. Additionally, they played pantomime, experimented with expressing emotions through acting, and drew a thermometer which represents anger, on which they wrote how they behave when they are in different moods.

At the end of the workshop, the children discussed with the volunteers the reactions they listed (cursing, fighting, yelling, kicking), and together, they got to the conclusion that such reactions are not good. Following this, they learned from the volunteers the deep breathing exercise, which helps calm anger.

Each workshop was closed with soccer, games with cones, sitting with volunteers in the yard, and discussing the topics covered during the workshop.

We express our gratitude to our young colleagues, psychologists for this wonderful experience!

Centar za unapređenje društva u okviru projekta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja Druzimo se i učimo zajedno svake godine organizuje izlete po Srbiji

Centar za unapređenje društva u okviru projekta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja Druzimo se i učimo zajedno svake godine organizuje izlete po Srbiji, jer je to nesto što im baš razgali dušu!  Raduje nas njihovo oduševljenje svakim mestom koje posete, i, naravno, druženje i igra.

Ove godine smo posetili Drvengrad,  vozili se Šarganskom osmicom, prugom koja je nekada bila veza Evrope sa Jadranskim morem. Obišli smo i Međumursko jezero. Dug put nije nas omeo u uživanju, a izlet ćemo ponoviti i nastojaćemo da obiđemo još više prelepih lokaliteta Srbije.

Naši saputnici bili su i drugari iz Centra za žrtve nasilja DAR,  dečica iz siromašnih porodica sa opštine Savski venac,  deca iz Inkluzivnog  Centra te nas je ukupno bilo 70.

Centar za unapređenje društva zahvaljuje se svim donatorima koji su omogućili realizaciju ovog putovanja:

GSPDRVENGRAD, SRBIJA VOZKETERING PRIČADOMAĆE KIFLICE, PROLOM VODAKNJAZ MILOŠ,  i još nekoliko individualnih donatora koji su nam pomogli da platimo usputne troškove.

Posebno se zahvaljujemo Inkluzivnom centru i Peci na tehničkoj podršci!


August 1st, 2023, As part of the project Socializing and Learning Together for children without parental care The Center for Society Advancement organizes annual trips across Serbia


Within the project Socializing and Learning Together, the Center for Society Advancement organizes trips across Serbia each year for children without parental care, as it truly warms their souls! We are delighted by their enthusiasm at every place they visit, and, of course, socializing and play.

This year, we visited Drvengrad, rode the Šargan Eight, a railway that was once a link between Europe and the Adriatic Sea. We also explored Međumurje Lake. The long journey did not hinder our enjoyment, and we plan to repeat the trip, striving to visit even more beautiful landscapes of Serbia.

Our fellow travelers included friends from the Center for Victims of Violence DAR, children from impoverished families in the municipality of Savski Venac, and children from the Inclusive Center, totaling 70 participants.

The Center for Society Advancement expresses gratitude to all donors who made this journey possible: GSP, Drvengrad, Srbija Voz, Ketering Priča, Domaće Kiflice, ProloM Voda, Knjaz Miloš, and several individual donors who helped covering incidental expenses.

Special thanks to the Inclusive Center and Peca for technical support!