Obuka studenata za rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja

Učiti mlade, naročito studente je veliko zadovoljstvo!
Danas smo edukovali još jednu grupu, njih 11 od ukupno 63 studenata koji su uključeni u program individualne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja, pod nazivom “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”.
Većina iz ove grupe ide u Stacionar, kako bi radili sa najmladjom decom, od dve do četiri godine❤️
Hvala dragim mladim kolegama na doprinosu Alemu Dedovicu i Sari Čolić 🙂
Kako bi ovaj program živeo, veliku zahvalnost dugujemo stalnim donatorima Duel Srbija, @mona_official_page i BLACK ROCK!
A danas se posebno zahvaljujemo BOSCH-u koji je obezbedio vaučere na 2000 dinara za Vulkan knjižare, kako bismo častili naše studente za zalaganje i ogromnu podršku koju pružaju ovoj deci❤️

Teaching young people, especially students, is a great pleasure! Today we educated another group, 11 of them out of a total of 63 students who are included in the program of individual support for children without parental care, called “Let’s socialize and learn together”. Most of this group goes to the Inpatient Clinic, in order to work with the youngest children, from two to four years old❤️

Thank you dear young colleagues for their contribution to Alem Dedovic and Sara Čolić 🙂

In order for this program to live, we owe a big thank you to the regular donors Duel Serbia, @mona_official_page and BLACK ROCK! And today we would like to especially thank BOSCH, who provided vouchers for 2000 dinars for Vulkan bookstores, in order to honor our students for their commitment and the enormous support they provide to these children❤️

Pomozimo porodici Mitov!

Tim “Centra za unapredjenje društva” je u okviru projekta “Podrška samohranim roditeljima” obišao porodicu Mitov iz Niša.
Ova porodica broji 11 članova, u pitanju su dve rodjene sestre koji žive u kući sa svojom decom i roditeljima. Starija sestra ima dvoje dece, dečaka ( 8 godina ) i devojčicu ( 7 godina ) dok mladja sestra ima petoro dece, tri devojčice ( 13, 9 i 4 godine) i dva dečaka (12 i 6 godina). Sa njima žive i roditelji ovih sestara koji su u poznim godinama i lošeg zdravstvenog stanja.
Starija sestra, sa svojom decom, živi u 13m2, dok mladja sestra, sa svojih petoro dece, živi u 12m2. Kuća u kojoj žive nije izgradjena do kraja, zbog čega ova porodica može da koristi samo dve prostorije u prizemlju. Kuća ne poseduje krov ni oluke, zbog čega su sobe pune budji i vlage.
“Centar za digitalno uključivanje” će, kao i do sada, pomagati porodici donacijom hrane. Takodje, ovaj Centar, u svojim prostorijama, organizuje pomoć deci u učenju i izradi domaćih zadataka.
“Centar za unapredjenje društva” ovoj porodici je pomogao donacijom odece za sve članove porodice, kao i donacijom hemije, a u planu nam je i kupovina kreveta na sprat kako bi deca imala gde da spavaju. ❤️
Pozivamo sve društveno odgovorne firme i pojedince da se priključe projektu podrške porodici Mitov!😍
Potrebno je:
1. instalirati krov i oluke na kući
2. dovršiti izgradnju gornjeg sprata kuće
3. očistiti kuću od vlage i okrečiti je
4. opremiti/renovirati kupatilo
5. nabaviti novi nameštaj- sto, stolice, kauč, orman…
Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da pomogne ovoj porodici ili imate dodatna pitanja, kontaktirajte nas putem mejla: sara.cudrustvo@gmail.com ili telefonom: +381603133227

The team of the “Center for the Improvement of Society” visited the Mitov family from Nis as part of the “Support to Single Parents” project. This family has 11 members, two sisters who live in the house with their children and parents. The older sister has two children, a boy (8 years old) and a girl (7 years old), while the younger sister has five children, three girls (13, 9 and 4 years old) and two boys (12 and 6 years old). The parents of these sisters, who are in their late years and in poor health, live with them. The older sister, with her children, lives in 13m2, while the younger sister, with her five children, lives in 12m2. The house they live in is not fully built, which is why this family can only use two rooms on the ground floor. The house has no roof or gutters, which is why the rooms are full of mold and moisture. The “Center for Digital Inclusion” will, as before, help the family by donating food. Also, this Center, in its premises, organizes help for children in learning and doing homework. The “Center for the Improvement of Society” helped this family by donating clothes for all family members, as well as by donating chemistry, and we are also planning to buy bunk beds so that the children have a place to sleep. ❤️ We invite all socially responsible companies and individuals to join the Mitov family support project!😍 It’s necessary:

1. install the roof and gutters on the house

2. complete the construction of the upper floor of the house

3. clean the house of moisture and paint it

4. equip/renovate the bathroom

5. get new furniture – table, chairs, sofa, wardrobe…

If you are interested in helping this family or have additional questions, contact us by email: sara.cudrustvo@gmail.com or by phone: +381603133227

ERASMUS+ program za decu

Srećni smo uvek kada započne još neka dobra priča koja ima svoju težinu!
Danas otpočeo ERASMUS program, u saradnji sa Turskom, neformalno obrazovanje dece.
Program u Srbiji realizuje “Centar za Unapredjenje društva” i OŠ “Dragojlo Dudić” .
Danas smo imali predivno druženje i prijem turskih mališana u dvorištu škole🤗
Očekuje ih puno novog znanja, prijateljstva, obilazak Beograda, zabave, sporta!
Svaka čast direktorki Daniela Pavic koja je uvek spremna za nove projekte i izazove!
Uživate drugari, svi smo tu za vas

We are always happy when another good story begins that has its weight! Today started the ERASMUS program, in cooperation with Turkey, non-formal education of children. The program in Serbia is implemented by the “Center for Social Development” and the Elementary School “Dragojlo Dudić”. Today we had a wonderful gathering and reception of Turkish children in the school yard🤗 A lot of new knowledge, friendship, a tour of Belgrade, fun, sports await them! Kudos to director Daniela Pavic, who is always ready for new projects and challenges! Enjoy guys, we are all here for you

Pomozimo samohranim roditeljima!

Pozivamo sve društveno odgovorne firme i pojedince koji imaju višak garderobe, da pruže podršku projektu za samohrane roditelje koji “Centar za unapređenje društva” sprovodi u saradnji sa Beohemijom 🥰
Potrebne su nam donacije u vidu:
1. odeće (nova i/ili polovna, ali mora biti očuvana i čista, najpotrebnija je odeća za decu!)
2. školskog pribora
3. hrane
4. proizvoda za ličnu higijenu
Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti, molimo Vas da nas kontaktirate u DM ili na mejl: sara.cudrustvo@gmail.com

We invite all socially responsible companies and individuals who have excess clothing to support the project for single parents, which the “Center for the Improvement of Society” is implementing in cooperation with Beohemija We need donations in the form of:

1. clothes (new and/or used, but must be preserved and clean, children’s clothes are most needed!)

2. school supplies

3. food

4. personal hygiene products

If you are able, please contact us in DM or email: sara.cudrustvo@gmail.com

Predstavljanje “Centra za unapredjenje društva” Rottary klubu “Passport”

Sinoć smo imali priliku da predstavimo naše udruženje “Centar za unapređenje društva” i sve projekte koje radimo ispred Rotary kluba “Passport”. Upoznali smo divne ljude i očekujemo njihove predloge za dalju saradnju.
Hvala Jeleni Agatunović koja nas je preporučila i prepoznala naš trud i rezultate u radu

Last night we had the opportunity to present our association “Center for the Improvement of Society” and all the projects we are working on in front of the “Passport” Rotary Club. We have met wonderful people and we await their proposals for further cooperation. Thank you to Jelena Agatunović, who recommended us and recognized our efforts and results in our work