Uživo gostovanje u emisiji DAN na televiziji N1

Dušica Jeleč, predsednica Centra za unapređenje društva, gostovala je u emisiji Dan na televiziji N1, u kojoj je prezentovala rezultate dugogodišnjeg rada Centra sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja. Ovim putem uputila je i apel studentima humanističkih nauka iz Bele Crkve i okoline da se priključe program i rade sa mališanima iz doma u Beloj Crkvi.

Potrebno nam je 10 studenata volontera koji bi kroz direktan rad sa decom razvili svoje profesionalne veštine

Svi zainteresovani svoju radnu biografiju mogu poslati na imejl-adresu proslediti na cudrustvo@gmail.com sa naznakom DECA BELA CRKVA.

Posebno se ahvaljujemo Igoru Košutu!


June 23rd, 2023. Live appearance on the show “DAN” on N1 Television

Dušica Jeleč, President of the Center for Society Advancement, appeared on the “DAN” show on N1 Television, where she presented the results of the Center’s long-standing work with children without parental care. She also issued an appeal to students of humanities in Bela Crkva and the surrounding areas to join the program and work with children from the Bela Crkva institution for children without parential care.

We are in need of 10 volunteer students who, through direct interaction with the children, will develop their professional skills. All interested individuals can send their resumes to the email address cudrustvo@gmail.com, with the subject “DECA BELA CRKVA.”

Special thanks to Igor Košut!

Vikend sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja iz doma u Beloj Crkvi

Slike govore više od reči. Koliko su ova deca divna i posvećena govori njihovo nestrpljivo iščekivanje vikenda kada dolaze naši volonteri da se sa njima druže i rade nešto kreativno!

Ovog vikenda tema su bili SNOVI. Mališani su najpre pričali o svojim snovima, a onda su postavljali pitanja poput:

Da li, ako sanjamo nešto, to znači da će tako biti i u stvarnosti?

Pravila se razlika između loših i dobrih snova i kako snovi utiču na nas, a zatim su mališani crtali svoje snove.

Sledeći vikend pravimo Hvatač snova za njihove sobe.

Pozvamo vas da se učestvujete finansijski i u robi kako bi ove radionice potrajale bar jedan ciklus od 12 meseci.

Centar za unapređenje društva zahvaljuje se MONI na podršci za grupu dece sa kojima radimo u Beogradu.


Weekend with children without parental care from the institution for children without parental care in Bela Crkva

Pictures speak louder than words. The beauty and dedication of these children are evident in their eagerly awaited weekends when our volunteers come to spend time with them and engage in creative activities!

This weekend’s theme was DREAMS. The little ones first shared their dreams, then asked questions such as:

„Does dreaming about something mean it will happen in reality?“

They discussed the distinction between good and bad dreams and how dreams impact us. Afterwards, the children drew their dreams.

Next weekend, we are creating Dream Catchers for their rooms.

We invite you to participate financially and with donations to ensure these workshops last at least one cycle of 12 months.

The Center for Society Advancement expresses gratitude to MONI for their support of the group of children we work with in Belgrade.


Poziv za pomoć pri organizaciji edukativno-terapeutskog izleta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja

Centar za unapređenje društva poziva sve da se pridruže i pomognu u organizaciji još jednog edukativno-terapeutskog izleta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja i mlada slepa lica sa kojima, takođe, radimo na razvoju veština i podsticaju njihove samostalnosti.

U okviru godišnjih ciklusa podrške, uvek organizujemo bar dva izleta za celu grupu, a od ove godine će nam se priključiti i mališani iz doma u Beloj Crkvi.

Cilj je da im omogućimo da vide i nauče nešto novo, nauče a povrh svega da malo izađu iz doma i zaborave na loše trenutke i probleme sa kojima se svakodnevno suočavaju. Važno je napomenuti da, koliko god za njih radimo dobre stvari, izlet je nešto što od svega najviše žele i svaki put mu se nezmerno raduju.

Popunili smo čak dva autobusa, a s obzirom na to da smo dobili podršku od Drvengrada i Šarganske osmice, MOLIMO I VAS da nas podržite u doniranju hrane i pića. Za ovaj izlet potrebno nam je 160 obroka (bar dva obroka – pljeskavice ili sličan paket), po 80 flašica sokova i flaširane vode.

Robu treba najkasnije da obezbedimo do 20. juna!


Call for Assistance in Organizing an Educational-Therapeutic Trip for Children without Parental Care

The Center for Society Advancement invites everyone to join and help in organizing another educational-therapeutic trip for children without parental care and young visually impaired individuals with whom we also work on skill development and fostering their independence.

As part of our annual support cycles, we always organize at least two trips for the entire group, and starting this year, children from the institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva will also be joining us.

The goal is to give them the opportunity to see and learn something new, and above all, to take a break from residing in the institution and to forget about the difficult moments and challenges they face on daily  bases. It’s important to note that, no matter how many good things we do for them, the excursion is something they eagerly anticipate and greatly enjoy each time.

We have filled up two buses, and we were given the support from Drvengrad and Šarganska osmica, so we kindly ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT in donating food and beverages. For this trip, we need 160 meals (at least two meals – burgers or a similar package), 80 bottles of juice, and 80 bottles of water.

We need to secure the supplies by June 20 at the latest!

Ponosni smo na uspeh naših mališana

Jedna od retkih situacija kada ostanemo bez teksta. Devojčica iz doma za decu bez roditeljskog staranja Vera Radivojević u Beloj Crkvi pokazala je izuzetan talenat za fudbal i mnoge druge sportove. Možda joj je život uzeo mnoge stvari, ali ona je jedno pozitivno, srećno biće puno samopouzdanja! Ogromna snaga u tako malom telu! Naše čudo od deteta!


Proud of the Success of Our Little Ones

One of those rare situations when we are left speechless. A girl from the institution for children without parental care Vera Radivojević in Bela Crkva, has shown exceptional talent for football and many other sports. Life may have taken away many things from her, but she is a positive, joyful being full of confidence! Tremendous strength in such a small body! Our wonder child!

Održana još jedna vikend radionica sa mališanima iz Bele Crkve

Tokom ovog vikenda odrzana je još jedna radionica za mališane iz doma u Beloj Crkvi. Ovog puta mališani su učili šta je prijateljstvo, pisali pismo svom najboljem prijatelju. Zatim su kroz kviz sumirali šta su sve učili sa nama od aprila meseca, što im je posebno bilo zaba


Another Workshop Held for the children from the Institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva

During this weekend, another workshop was held for the little ones from the institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva. This time, the children learned about friendship, they wrote letters to their best friends, and then, through a quiz, they summarized everything they have learned with us since the month of April, which was particularly enjoyable for them.