Donacija prašak- oktobar 2023.godine
Centar za unapređenje društva u saradnji sa BIOHEMIJA DOO prikupio je:
- 94 džakova od po 8 kg DUEL praška
- 159 DUEL omekšivača od po 1,7 l
- 33 DUEL omekšivača od po 2,7 l
I podelio sledećim ugroženim grupama:
- 18 ugroženih porodica sa opštine Savski Venac
- 46 ugroženih porodica širom Beograda a koje imaju decu ometenu u razvoju
- 12 paketa prosleđeno Centru za integraciju mladih “ZVEZDA”
- 11 paketa prosleđeno, zahvaljujući donaciji firme BEX, sirom Srbije za 10 samohranih majki❤️
- 7 paketa prosleđeno u Leskovac udruženju samohranih roditelja “Tate i mame” UTIM, zahvaljujući prevozniku KANIS
- 7 paketa Crvenom krstu Savski venac, plus 30 omekšivača.
Zahvaljujemo se u ime svih ovih ljudi!
Center for Society Advancement, in collaboration with BIOHEMIJA DOO, made a donation of DUEL laundry detergent and fabric softener to vulnerable groups
The following items were collected:
- 94 sacks of 8 kg each of DUEL laundry detergent
- 159 bottles of 1.7 liters each of DUEL fabric softener
- 33 bottles of 2.7 liters each of DUEL fabric softener
These items were distributed to the following vulnerable groups:
- 18 families in need from the municipality of Savski Venac
- 46 vulnerable families across Belgrade with children facing developmental challenges
- 12 packages sent to the Center for Youth Integration “ZVEZDA”
- 11 packages sent, thanks to the donation from BEX company, throughout Serbia for 10 single mothers ❤️
- 7 packages sent to the “Dads and Moms” UTIM association in Leskovac, thanks to the transporter KANIS
- 7 packages to the Red Cross Savski Venac, along with 30 fabric softeners.
We thank you on behalf of all these people!