Druženje sa slepim licima u Konobi Akustik

Centar za unapređenje društva već godinama pruža podršku našem prijatelju, a sada i kolegi, Miroslavu Zdravkoviću. Miroslav već duže vreme posvećeno radi na integraciji slepih osoba u društvo i zalaže se da se o njima što više priča.

Miroslav je ponovno okupio ljude u Konobi iz različitih područja, uključujući medicinu, glumu, medije i studente humanističkih nauka.

Pomogli smo da se zamisao pretvori u stvarnost, da iznesemo nekoliko reči o životu ovih ljudi, da ih smestimo za stolove s onima koji dobro vide kako bi ih ljudi bez problema sa vidom čuli njihovu priču i zaista ih upoznali, kao i to da mlada slepa lica još jednom pokažu svoj talenat.

Raduje nas što je, na poziv Miroslava, naša najvažnija gošća bila Vesna Radosavljević, voditeljka sa RTS-a. Podstaknuta našim radom, pozvala je da se što više govori o ovim divnim ljudima.

U ugodnom ambijentu, pedesetak ljudi uživalo je u razgovorima i razmeni iskustava. Zahvaljujemo se Konobi, koja već godinama podržava ovakve skupove i omogućava da ova okupljanja postanu nezaboravna.


Gathering with the Visually Impaired Individuals  at Konoba

For years, the Center for Society Advancement has been providing support to our friend and now colleague, Miroslav Zdravković. Miroslav has been dedicating his time to the integration of visually impaired individuals into society, advocating for more talking  about them.

Miroslav has once again brought together people at Konoba from various fields, including medicine, acting, media, and humanities students. We assisted in turning the concept into reality, shedding light on the lives of these individuals. We arranged for them to sit at tables alongside those with good vision so that people without visual impairments could hear their stories and truly get to know them. Additionally, this provided an opportunity for young visually impaired individuals to once again showcase their talents.

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We are delighted that, at Miroslav’s invitation, our most important guest was Vesna Radosavljević, a host from RTS. Inspired by our work, she called for more discussions about these wonderful people.

In a pleasant atmosphere, around fifty people enjoyed conversations and exchanged experiences. We express our gratitude to Konoba, which has been supporting such gatherings for years, ensuring that these meetings become truly memorable.