Finalne pripreme ERASMUS+ projekta

Završene finalne pripreme za realizaciju projekta Erasmus K2, obrazovanje odraslih i saradnju sa Turskom ☺️

3 marta stiže grupa iz Istanbula i 6 dana ćemo učiti i družiti se kako to najbolje znamo!

Partneri na ovom programu su ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF NATIONAL EDUCATION i Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva


Completed final preparations for the implementation of the Erasmus K2 project, adult education and cooperation with Turkey ☺️

On March 3, a group from Istanbul will arrive and for 6 days we will learn and socialize as best we can!

The partners in this program are the ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF NATIONAL EDUCATION and the Center for the Improvement of Society

Pročitaj  Podržimo decu iz doma u Beloj Crkvi