Gostovanje u emisiji “Dobro jutro Srbijo”

Jutros smo pričali o položaju samohranih roditelja, kojima se “Centar za unapredjenje društv” bavi već godinu dana, zahvaljujući programu podrške koji je pokrenula #beohemija #duel
Kroz taj program ulažemo odredjena finansijska sredstva kako bi olakšali život ovih roditelja.
Danas je za Happy tv pričala i Djurdjice, majka kojoj smo kupili šporet (kuva i licitire obrocima, gde pomaže i drugim bolesnim licima), kako bi lečila bolesno dete a i zajedno preživeli!
Hvala donatorima na izuzetnoj podršci za ove ljude❤️

This morning we talked about the situation of single parents, which the “Center for the Improvement of Society” has been dealing with for a year, thanks to the support program launched by #beohemija #duel Through this program, we invest certain financial resources to make life easier for these parents. Today, Djurdjice, the mother we bought a stove for (she cooks and auctions meals, where she helps other sick people), also talked about Djurdjice, so that she could treat a sick child and survive together! Thank you to the donors for the extraordinary support for these people❤️

Pročitaj  ERASMUS+ projekat za odrasle