Još jedan vikend posvećen mališanima iz Bele Crkve

Danas je akcenat bio na pisanju. Deca su pisala o tome kojih sve 5 ciljeva žele da ostvare u narednih godinu dana. Neki su pisali i  kako planiraju da ispune te ciljeve. Ovo je jujedno bila i jedna od vežbi koje služe za vežbanje pisanja.

Sačuvali smo papire sa njihovim ciljevima, koje planiramo da im vratimo pri završetku projekta, ali ćemo ih podsećati na zapisane ciljeve.

U drugom delu aktivnosti sledio je sportski program na terenu.

Zahvaljujući našim studentima volonterima, i mi smo se prisetili školskih dana Ponosni smo na ozbiljan rad i postignute rezultate!


Another Weekend Dedicated to the Little Ones

Today’s focus was on writing. The children wrote about the 5 goals they want to achieve in the next year. Some also wrote about how they plan to accomplish these goals. This was also one of the exercises for practicing writing.

We’ve kept the papers with their goals, planning to return them at the end of the project, but we’ll also keep reminding them of their written goals.

In the second part of the activity, a sports program followed on the field.

Thanks to our student volunteers, we recalled memories about our school days. We are proud of the serious work and achievements!

Pročitaj  Program "Samostalan, ali ne sam"