Kompanija COFICAB donirala projektor Centru za unapređenje društva

COFICAB je svetski lider u dizajnu, proizvodnji i prodaji električnih žica i kablova za automobilsku industriju, kućne aparate, medicinske i industrijske primene. Zahvaljujemo se na donaciji i lepom gestu.


COFICAB is a global leader in the design, manufacturing, and sale of electrical wires and cables for the automotive industry, household appliances, medical applications, and industrial uses. We express our gratitude for the donation and the thoughtful gesture.

Pročitaj  Dan za stručne sastanke. Jedan sastanak vodi "Centar za unapređenje društva" u saradnji sa "Zvečanskom 7" za mališane do 11 godina, a na drugom je naš Centar partner Centru za socijalnu integraciju "Zvezda" i sastanak se odnosi na rad sa mladima koji se spremaju za izlazak iz doma. Ideja je da mladi koji su bili u domu a osamostalili se, budu mentori mladima koji tek izlaze. Reč je o odličnim projektima zasnovanim na cilju razvoja veština za samostalnost ovih mališana. Definisali smo rezultate, nedostatke i nove staze a uskoro krećemo u posetu domovima i u realizaciju projekata. March 23rd, 2023 Expert team meetings held regarding projects dedicated to children without parental care It was a day for professional discussions. One meeting was led by the "Center for Society Advancement" in collaboration with "Zvečanska 7," focusing on children up to 11 years old. The other meeting involved collaboration between our Center and the Center for Social Integration "Zvezda," focusing on working with young people preparing to leave care institutions. The idea is for those who have successfully transitioned from care to mentor those who are just leaving. These are excellent projects aimed at developing skills for the independence of these children. During the meetings, results, shortcomings, and new paths were defined, and soon the teams will begin visiting care facilities to initiate project implementation.