Manifestacija “Njihov osmijeh vredi više”

Predivna manifestacija “Njihov osmjeh vredi više” za decu bez roditeljskog staranja iz doma u Bjeloj.
Bili smo gosti, “Centar za unapređenje društva” donirao je 14 rančeva, 23 balzama i 6 kačketa za poklon pakete na ovoj akciji❤️
Zahvaljujući udruženju “Nacionalni osmjeh Crne Gore” ova manifestacija je doživela i ovo 20o jubilarno dešavanje!
Više sati druženja, mnogo omladinaca koji su volontirali, pesme, igre sa decom i na kraju ogromni paketi, za svako dete ponaosob❤️
Udružimo se i radimo slične manifestacije za našu dečicu u Srbiji

A wonderful manifestation “Their smile is worth more” for children without parental care from the home in Bjela. We were guests, the “Center for the Improvement of Society” donated 14 backpacks, 23 balms and 6 caps for gift packages at this event❤️ Thanks to the “National Smile of Montenegro” association, this manifestation also experienced this 20th anniversary event! More hours of socializing, many young people who volunteered, songs, games with children and finally huge packages, for each child individually❤️ Let’s join together and do similar events for our children in Serbia

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