Obilasci domova za decu bez roditeljskog staranja u Beogradu sa novim volonterima

U okviru projekta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” pokrenut je novi ciklus upoznavnja volontera u cilju sparivanja sa decom.

Volonteri su obišli domove, upoznali se sa decom i načinom života u domu, što je izuzetno važno za njihov odnos. U toku je proces sparivanja novih 18 volontera!❤️

Bravo za naše volontere!😊


As part of the project for children without parental care “We socialize and learn together”, a new cycle of getting to know volunteers was launched with the aim of pairing with children.

The volunteers visited the homes, got to know the children and the way of life in the home, which is extremely important for their relationship. The process of pairing new 18 volunteers is underway!❤️

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