Obuka studenata za rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja

Učiti mlade, naročito studente je veliko zadovoljstvo!
Danas smo edukovali još jednu grupu, njih 11 od ukupno 63 studenata koji su uključeni u program individualne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja, pod nazivom “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”.
Većina iz ove grupe ide u Stacionar, kako bi radili sa najmladjom decom, od dve do četiri godine❤️
Hvala dragim mladim kolegama na doprinosu Alemu Dedovicu i Sari Čolić 🙂
Kako bi ovaj program živeo, veliku zahvalnost dugujemo stalnim donatorima Duel Srbija, @mona_official_page i BLACK ROCK!
A danas se posebno zahvaljujemo BOSCH-u koji je obezbedio vaučere na 2000 dinara za Vulkan knjižare, kako bismo častili naše studente za zalaganje i ogromnu podršku koju pružaju ovoj deci❤️

Teaching young people, especially students, is a great pleasure! Today we educated another group, 11 of them out of a total of 63 students who are included in the program of individual support for children without parental care, called “Let’s socialize and learn together”. Most of this group goes to the Inpatient Clinic, in order to work with the youngest children, from two to four years old❤️

Thank you dear young colleagues for their contribution to Alem Dedovic and Sara Čolić 🙂

In order for this program to live, we owe a big thank you to the regular donors Duel Serbia, @mona_official_page and BLACK ROCK! And today we would like to especially thank BOSCH, who provided vouchers for 2000 dinars for Vulkan bookstores, in order to honor our students for their commitment and the enormous support they provide to these children❤️

Pročitaj  Program "Samostalan, ali ne sam"