Počela kampanja u okviru projekta Srećno dete, zdravo društvo koju sprovodi Centar za žrtve nasilja DAR u partnerstvu sa Centrom za unapređenje društva

Projekat Srećno dete, zdravo društvo osmišljen je kao podrška deci i roditeljima, a kampanja se realizuje putem poruka na bilbordima koji se mogu videti u Beogradu, Nišu i Novom Sadu.

Uskoro će krenuti i onlajn kampanja. Pozivamo te da budeš deo tima i podržiš kampanju! Širimo ljubav i podržimo porodicu. Zajedno smo jači!


September 4th, 2023, the campaign within the project Happy Child, Healthy Society has begun, implemented by the Center for Victims of Violence DAR in partnership with the Center for Society Advancement

The project Happy Child, Healthy Society is created to support children and parents, and the campaign is implemented through messages on billboards that can be seen in Belgrade, Niš, and Novi Sad.

Soon, the online campaign will also commence. We invite you to be part of the team and support this campaign! Let’s spread love and support familiy. We are stronger together!

Pročitaj  Donacija praška- decembar 2023.godine