Predstavljanje projekta “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” u Novom Sadu

Many thanks for the wonderful hospitality of the “Faculty of Sports and Physical Education” from Novi Sad and Professor Jovan Vuković! As the “Center for the Improvement of Society” is preparing to expand the project for children without parental care to the “Children’s Village” home in Sremska Kamenica, today the first promotion of the program was held in front of the master’s degree students of the said faculty! The faculty, which has many times motivated its students to help others and who visited these children many times during their undergraduate studies, now have the opportunity to work professionally with them and develop their pedagogical skills, because as future teachers of physical education, this discipline is also very important ! It is also very important that this program will be recognized as a professional practice within the subject of the same name at the university! In the coming period, we will also visit other faculties in Novi Sad, which include social studies! Once again, we thank the #Faculty of Sport and Physical Education for recognizing the best practice for their students🤗 Thanks also to Elena Petrovski for sharing with the students her very nice experience in working with these children, who is still a high school student❤️ Many thanks to the companies Beohemija and MONA for supporting this project!❤️