Projekat “Korak ka dostupnom Beogradu”

6 years ago, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” on the “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” presented the first results in cooperation with the municipality of Čukarica as part of the project “A step towards an accessible Belgrade”. The presentation was attended by associations of persons with disabilities from the territory of Čukarica and representatives of the municipality. The program refers to the creation of the first electronic register that analyzes and shows which facilities and to what extent they are accessible to people with disabilities, the elderly or people with current injuries, mothers with babies 🙂 Since the cooperation with the municipality of Čukarica started in the middle of the year, 300 buildings have been listed, and the register records another 700 buildings in the territory of the city of Belgrade, which are divided into 15 categories with 65 subcategories. You can access the registry via: 1. WEB portal 2. Android application for residents and domestic tourists “BGDzaSVE” 3. Android application for tourists from abroad “BGD4ALL”. Today, the “Accessible Belgrade” project is waiting for some further financial resources in order to continue developing.