Sednica foruma za društveno odgovorno poslovanje

Koliko je korisno sve sto radimo pokazuje i učešće  Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva na “Sednici foruma za društveno odgovorno poslovanje” u Privrednoj komori Srbije danas.

Bili smo jedno od dva udruženja koja su imala priliku da pred Savetom prezentuje svoj rad a naročito naš program inkluzivne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja, pod nazivom “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”.

Forum će nas preporučiti svojim članicama kako bi smo dobili sredstva da program širimo i na druge gradove u Srbiji!

Hvala saradnicima  Alem Dedovic i Ljubiši Jovanović na učešću i podršci danas takodje.

Title: Session of the forum for socially responsible business

How useful everything we do is shown by the participation of the Center for the Improvement of Society at the “Session of the Forum for Socially Responsible Business” at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce today.

We were one of the two associations that had the opportunity to present their work before the Council, especially our program of inclusive support for children without parental care, called “Let’s socialize and learn together”.

The forum will recommend us to its members so that we can get funds to spread the program to other cities in Serbia!

Thanks to colleagues Alem Dedovic and Ljubiša Jovanović for their participation and support today as well.

Pročitaj  Pomozimo samohranim roditeljima!