Druženje sa studentima Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu

Sve bolja saradnja sa Katedrom za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta!

Održana još jedna prezentacija našeg programa dualnog obrazovanja, stručnog usavršavanja studenata, kroz programe podrške ugroženim grupama. Ovo je prvi fakultet koji će uključiti ovaj vid prakse kao obavezan Dodatak diplomi za psihologe!

Trenutno uključeno preko 60 studenata i dalje sirimo program❤️

Hvala profesorki Snežani Svetozarević🤗

Title: Presentation of our dual education program at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade

Better cooperation with the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy!

Another presentation of our program of dual education, professional development of students, through support programs for vulnerable groups was held. This is the first faculty that will include this type of practice as a mandatory Addendum to the diploma for psychologists!

Currently involved over 60 students and we are still expanding the program❤️

Thank you to Professor Snežana Svetozarević🤗

Finalne pripreme ERASMUS+ projekta

Završene finalne pripreme za realizaciju projekta Erasmus K2, obrazovanje odraslih i saradnju sa Turskom ☺️

3 marta stiže grupa iz Istanbula i 6 dana ćemo učiti i družiti se kako to najbolje znamo!

Partneri na ovom programu su ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF NATIONAL EDUCATION i Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva


Completed final preparations for the implementation of the Erasmus K2 project, adult education and cooperation with Turkey ☺️

On March 3, a group from Istanbul will arrive and for 6 days we will learn and socialize as best we can!

The partners in this program are the ISTANBUL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORATE OF NATIONAL EDUCATION and the Center for the Improvement of Society

Gostovanje na jutarnjem programu RTS-a

Jutros smo se družili, naš Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva  i ja sa Bojanom Marković u jutarnjem programu RTSa:)

Pričali smo o velikoj podršci koju pružamo deci bez roditeljskog staranja i podršci za samohrane porodice i njihovu deci, koju započinjemo ove godine 🥰

Title: Guest appearance on the morning program of RTS

This morning we hung out, our Center for the Improvement of Society and I with Bojana Marković in the RTS morning program:)

We talked about the great support we provide to children without parental care and support for single families and their children, which we are starting this year


Saradnja sa firmom MONA fashion

Opravdali smo poverenje firme MONA u protekle 2 godine a zasluženo danas je potpisan novi Ugovor o podršci ove firme Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva za 2024 godinu. U planu obuka studenata, koji rade sa decom, veštinama komunikacije i prepoznavanje emocija a oni će imati zadatak da to svoje znanje prenesu deci! Odlična ideja firme MONA!

Veliko hvala Ivani Milosavljević na prepoznavanju naših rezultata u radu sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja i podršci ispred firme MONA❤️

Title: Renewed contract with MONA fashion

We have justified the trust of the company MONA in the past 2 years, and deservedly, a new Agreement on the support of this company Center for the Improvement of Society for the year 2024 was signed today. In the plan of training students, who work with children, communication skills and recognition of emotions, and they will have the task of transferring this knowledge to children! Excellent idea of ​​the company MONA!

A big thank you to Ivana Milosavljević for recognizing our results in working with children without parental care and supporting MONA ❤️