Danas su naši partneri iz Centra ZVEZDA promovisali program podrške pri osamostaljivanju mladima koji se pripremaju da izlazak iz doma i ulazak u samostalni život🥰 U prvoj grupi okupili smo 13 mladih!
Tokom 2023. godine završen je pilot projekta “Samostalan ali ne sam” u partnerstvu Centra ZVEZDA I “Centra za unapređenje društva”
Cilj je da spojimo mlade koji su par godina ranije izašli iz doma koji, jedan na jedan, rade sa ovim mladim ljudima i pomažu im da nauče koje su to prepreke u spoljnje svetu, kako da ih izbegnu i na najlakši način nadju i zadrže posao, iznajme stan, dobro se pokažu na razgovoru za posao, sačuvaju novac.
Podržite ovaj projekat i omogućite da se nastavi!
Today, our partners from the ZVEZDA Center promoted a program of support for the independence of young people who are preparing to leave home and enter an independent life. In the first group, we gathered 13 young people!
In 2023, the pilot project “Self-reliant but not alone” was completed in partnership with the ZVEZDA Center and the “Center for the Improvement of Society”
The goal is to bring together young people who left home a few years earlier, who, one on one, work with these young people and help them learn what are the obstacles in the outside world, how to avoid them and find and keep a job in the easiest way, rent an apartment, perform well at a job interview, save money.
Support this project and let it continue!
U okviru projekta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” pokrenut je novi ciklus upoznavnja volontera u cilju sparivanja sa decom.
Volonteri su obišli domove, upoznali se sa decom i načinom života u domu, što je izuzetno važno za njihov odnos. U toku je proces sparivanja novih 18 volontera!❤️
Bravo za naše volontere!😊
As part of the project for children without parental care “We socialize and learn together”, a new cycle of getting to know volunteers was launched with the aim of pairing with children.
The volunteers visited the homes, got to know the children and the way of life in the home, which is extremely important for their relationship. The process of pairing new 18 volunteers is underway!❤️
Sve bolja saradnja sa Katedrom za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta!
Održana još jedna prezentacija našeg programa dualnog obrazovanja, stručnog usavršavanja studenata, kroz programe podrške ugroženim grupama. Ovo je prvi fakultet koji će uključiti ovaj vid prakse kao obavezan Dodatak diplomi za psihologe!
Trenutno uključeno preko 60 studenata i dalje sirimo program❤️
Hvala profesorki Snežani Svetozarević🤗
Title: Presentation of our dual education program at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade
Better cooperation with the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy!
Another presentation of our program of dual education, professional development of students, through support programs for vulnerable groups was held. This is the first faculty that will include this type of practice as a mandatory Addendum to the diploma for psychologists!
Currently involved over 60 students and we are still expanding the program❤️
Thank you to Professor Snežana Svetozarević🤗
Danas smo bili gosti i na TV Kurir -u.
Dobri rezultati skreću pažnju.
Hvala Mirku na pozivu 🙂
Today we were also guests on TV Kurir.
Good results attract attention.
Thanks to Mirko for the invitation 🙂