Podela praška ugorženim grupama jul 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u juli mesecu pakete hemije podelio na dve adrese:
1. 132 paketa donirano je @sosdecijasela
2. 100 paketa hemije donirano je Radnoj jedinici Marerinski dom u Beogradu
U jednom paketu hemije nalazi se:
1. 2,4kg Kosovo white spring praškasti deterdzent
2. 1,6l Duel soft lotus omekšivač
3. 1l Pompa Blue Wave tečnost za podove

In July, the Center for the Advancement of Society distributed chemistry packages to two addresses:

1. 132 packages were donated to @sosdecijasela

2. 100 packages of chemistry were donated to the Working Unit Marerinski dom in Belgrade

One chemistry pack contains:

1. 2.4 kg Kosovo white spring powder detergent

2. 1.6l Duel soft lotus softener

3. 1l Pompa Blue Wave liquid for floors

Izlet za decu bez roditeljskog staranja

Kakav divan dan je iza nas!
Naš “Centar za unapredjenje društva” u okviru projekta podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” organizovao je edukativno-terapeutski izlet po Srbiji.
Na izletu je bilo 35 dece iz čak tri Beogradska doma i 17 volontera.
Dan smo proveli fenomenalno, uz mnogo smeha i zabave, a videli smo predivne predele Srbije i svašta novo naučili!
Obišli smo Krupajsko vrelo, gde su deca prošetala pored vode, popela se do vodopada i uživala u gledanju ribica koje se tu nalaze😊 Zatim smo obišli Resavsku pećinu gde su naši mališani pokazali koliko su hrabri! Obišli smo celu pećinu i naučili smo šta su stalaktiti i stalagmiti!
Ručali smo u restoranu “Zlatna mušmula”, gde su nam divni zaposleni spremili ukusnu hranu, a deca su dobila i sladoled!😍
Za kraj, obišli smo manastir Manasija.
Veliku zahvalnost dugujemo firmama: @prolom_voda @knjaz.milos @pekaradomacekiflice @swissliontakovo. Ne smemo zaboraviti divne ljude iz @resavskapecina @restoranzlatnamusmula ❤️
Hvala firmi @mona_official_page na podršci ovog projekta!

What a wonderful day is behind us! Our “Center for the Advancement of Society” organized an educational and therapeutic trip around Serbia as part of the project to support children without parental care “We socialize and learn together”. There were 35 children from as many as three Belgrade homes and 17 volunteers on the trip. We spent the day phenomenally, with lots of laughter and fun, and we saw the beautiful landscapes of Serbia and learned all sorts of new things! We visited the Krupajsko vrelo, where the children walked by the water, climbed to the waterfall and enjoyed watching the fish that are there 😊 Then we visited the Resava cave where our little ones showed how brave they are! We toured the entire cave and learned what stalactites and stalagmites are! We had lunch at the “Zlatna mušmula” restaurant, where the wonderful employees prepared delicious food for us, and the children also got ice cream!😍 Finally, we visited the Manasija monastery. We owe a big thank you to the companies: @prolom_voda @knjaz.milos @pekaradomacekiflice @swissliontakovo. We must not forget the wonderful people from @resavskapecina @restoranzlatnamusmula ❤️ Thanks to @mona_official_page for supporting this project!

Pomozimo Pavlu!

Pomozimo Pavlu i njegovoj mami!
Pavle je rodjen kao prevremeno rodjena beba što je izazvalo mnogo zdravstvenih problema. Bez obzira na to, njegova majka se svakoga dana lavovski bori za njegov život i što kvalitetnije detinjstvo.❤️
Kako bi Pavle nastavio sa razvijanjem motorike, potreban mu je bicikl sa pomoćnim točkovima. Takodje, potrebno je prikupiti sredstva za tretmane logopeda i psihologa!😊
Hajde da budemo humani i Pavlu omogućimo što kvalitetniji život!😍

Let’s help Pavlo and his mom! Pavle was born as a premature baby which caused many health problems. Regardless, his mother fights like a lion every day for his life and the best possible childhood.❤️ In order for Pavle to continue developing his motor skills, he needs a bicycle with auxiliary wheels. Also, it is necessary to collect funds for speech therapist and psychologist treatments!😊 Let’s be humane and provide Pavlo with the best possible quality of life!😍

Druženje u Bojčinskoj šumi- projekat “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Prošle nedelje, u saradnji sa Centrom “Zvezda”, a u okviru projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam” organizovali smo još jedno druženje, ovoga puta to je bio izlet u Bojčinskoj šumi😊

Mentori i mladi koji se nalaze na domskom smeštaju su se družili, bolje upoznali i jahali konje🥰
Za kraj, obezbedili smo i večeru u restoranu Bojčinske šume u Beogradu❤️

Last week, in cooperation with the Center “Zvezda”, and as part of the project “Independent, but not alone”, we organized another get-together, this time it was a trip to Bojčinska forest 😊 Mentors and young people who are in home accommodation socialized, got to know each other better and rode horses Finally, we also provided dinner at the Bojčinske šume restaurant in Belgrade

Podela praška ugoženim grupama- jun 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u junu mesecu pakete hemije podelio na dve adrese:
1. 140 paketa donirano je Crvenom krstu Obrenovac, uz pomoć kojih će 140 ugroženih porodica sa ove teritorije dobiti neophodnu hemiju🥰
2. Dom za decu i omladinu “Spomenak” iz Pančeva dobio je 30 paketa hemije, koji su im zaista neophodni, a trajaće im sledeća 3 meseca😍
Ništa od ovoga ne bi bilo moguće bez firme BEOHEMIJA koja je prepoznala potrebe ugroženih i odlučila da pomogne😊 Hvala!❤️

In June, the Center for the Advancement of Society distributed chemistry packages to two addresses: 1. 140 packages were donated to the Obrenovac Red Cross, with the help of which 140 vulnerable families from this territory will receive the necessary chemistry. 2. Home for children and youth “Spomenak” from Pancevo received 30 packages of chemistry, which are really necessary for them, and will last them for the next 3 months😍 None of this would be possible without the company BEOHEMIJA, which recognized the needs of the vulnerable and decided to help😊 Thank you!❤️