Podela praška ugroženim grupama- avgust 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u mesecu avgustu pakete hemije podelio na dve adrese u Beloj Crkvi:
1. 100 paketa hemije donirano ne Crvenom Krstu u Beloj Crkvi, a oni će pakete deliti ugrožnim porodicama🥰
2. 60 paketa hemije donirano je domu za decu i omladinu “Vera Radivojević” u Beloj Crkvi! Ovim potezom, obezbedili smo dom hemijom za naredna 3 meseca!😍
Paket hemije sastoji se od:
1. Džaka praškastog deterdženta od 2,4kg LAVANDER ALMOND
2. Boce omekšivača od 800ml HAPPY FAMILY
3. Boce tečnosti za podove 1l BLUE WAVE
Hvala firmi Beohemija što nastavlja da prepoznaje potrebe ugroženih grupa širom Srbije i pomaže im!

In the month of August, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” distributed chemistry packages to two addresses in Bela Crkva:

1. 100 packages of chemistry donated to the Red Cross in Bela Crkva, and they will distribute the packages to families at risk.

2. 60 packages of chemistry were donated to the home for children and youth “Vera Radivojević” in Bela Crkva! With this move, we secured a home with chemistry for the next 3 months!😍

The chemistry package consists of:

1. Bag of 2.4 kg powder detergent LAVANDER ALMOND

2. 800ml HAPPY FAMILY fabric softener bottles

3. Bottles of liquid for floors 1l BLUE WAVE

Thank you to Beohemija for continuing to recognize the needs of vulnerable groups throughout Serbia and helping them!

Podela praška ugorženim grupama jul 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u juli mesecu pakete hemije podelio na dve adrese:
1. 132 paketa donirano je @sosdecijasela
2. 100 paketa hemije donirano je Radnoj jedinici Marerinski dom u Beogradu
U jednom paketu hemije nalazi se:
1. 2,4kg Kosovo white spring praškasti deterdzent
2. 1,6l Duel soft lotus omekšivač
3. 1l Pompa Blue Wave tečnost za podove

In July, the Center for the Advancement of Society distributed chemistry packages to two addresses:

1. 132 packages were donated to @sosdecijasela

2. 100 packages of chemistry were donated to the Working Unit Marerinski dom in Belgrade

One chemistry pack contains:

1. 2.4 kg Kosovo white spring powder detergent

2. 1.6l Duel soft lotus softener

3. 1l Pompa Blue Wave liquid for floors

Donacija praška- januar 2024.godine

Šta bi “Centar za unapredjenje društva” radio ako ne bi činio dobra dela i to onima kojima je najpotrebnije❤️

Za januar podeljena hemija Crvenom krstu Čukarica 60 kompleta (deterdzent 8kg, 1 omekšivač i 2 tečnosti za sudje) , Svratištu za decu ulice NBG i Krfska 65 istih paketa i NURDOR 25 za njihove kuće gde borave oboleli❤️


150 džakova praška

150 omkešivača

300 deterdženta za suđe

Možemo zahvaliti ponovo firmi Duel Srbija #beohemija jer smo zajedno TIM!


What would the “Center for the Advancement of Society” do if it did not do good deeds to those who need it the most❤️

For January, chemistry was distributed to the Red Cross of Čukarica 60 sets (deterdzent 8 kg, 1 softener and 2 liquids for judges), the Children’s Shelter on NBG and Krfska streets 65 of the same packages and NURDOR 25 for their homes where the sick stay ❤️


150 bags of powder

150 softeners

300 dish detergent

We can thank the company Duel Srbija #beohemija again because together we are a TEAM!

Donacija praška- decembar 2023.godine

Centar za unapredjenje društva nastavlja sa podelom praška za veš ugroženim grupama i institucijama🤗

U decembru mesecu podeljeno je 200 dzakova od po 8kg, i to OBROKU ZA PORODICU BEOGRAD 50 vreća I CENTRU ZA ZAŠTITU ODOJČADI, DECE I OMLADINE BEOGRAD 150 vreća, koji brine o mališanima bez roditeljakog staranja i na domskom smeštaju u Beogradu🤗


The Center for the Advancement of Society continues with the distribution of washing powder to vulnerable groups and institutions🤗

In December, 200 bags of 8 kg each were distributed, 50 bags to the BELGRADE FAMILY MEAL AND 150 bags to the INFANT, CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROTECTION CENTER BELGRADE, which takes care of children without parental care and in home care in Belgrade🤗🤗

Donacija prašak- oktobar 2023.godine

Centar za unapređenje društva u saradnji sa BIOHEMIJA DOO prikupio je:

  • 94 džakova od po 8 kg DUEL praška
  • 159 DUEL omekšivača od po 1,7 l
  • 33 DUEL omekšivača od po 2,7 l

I podelio sledećim ugroženim grupama:

  • 18 ugroženih porodica sa opštine Savski Venac
  • 46 ugroženih porodica širom Beograda a koje imaju decu ometenu u razvoju
  • 12 paketa prosleđeno Centru za integraciju mladih “ZVEZDA”
  • 11 paketa prosleđeno, zahvaljujući donaciji firme BEX, sirom Srbije za 10 samohranih majki❤️
  • 7 paketa prosleđeno u Leskovac udruženju samohranih roditelja “Tate i mame” UTIM, zahvaljujući prevozniku KANIS
  • 7 paketa Crvenom krstu Savski venac, plus 30 omekšivača.

Zahvaljujemo se u ime svih ovih ljudi!


Center for Society Advancement, in collaboration with BIOHEMIJA DOO, made a donation of DUEL laundry detergent and fabric softener to vulnerable groups

The following items were collected:

  • 94 sacks of 8 kg each of DUEL laundry detergent
  • 159 bottles of 1.7 liters each of DUEL fabric softener
  • 33 bottles of 2.7 liters each of DUEL fabric softener

These items were distributed to the following vulnerable groups:

  • 18 families in need from the municipality of Savski Venac
  • 46 vulnerable families across Belgrade with children facing developmental challenges
  • 12 packages sent to the Center for Youth Integration “ZVEZDA”
  • 11 packages sent, thanks to the donation from BEX company, throughout Serbia for 10 single mothers ❤️
  • 7 packages sent to the “Dads and Moms” UTIM association in Leskovac, thanks to the transporter KANIS
  • 7 packages to the Red Cross Savski Venac, along with 30 fabric softeners.

We thank you on behalf of all these people!