Tag ugorežene porodice

30 godina BEOHEMIJE

Zadovoljstvo je bilo biti gost veceras na proslavi 30 godina rada firme BEOHEMIJA a još veće što sam imala priliku da budem jedno od troje ljudi koji imali mogućnost da se obrate mnogobrojnim zvanicama iz regiona!
Nije to tek tako, imalo je šta važno da se kaže pa otud i zasluga!
Od novembra 2023. godine, “Centar za unapredjenje društva” je takoreći, zastupnik BEOHEMIJE za društvenu odgovornost!
Tokom 2024. godine, zahvaljujući mesečnoj finansijskoj podršci našem Centru, uspeli smo da proširimo naš tim, promenimo prostor, dobijemo priliku da angažujemo velike znalce da pišu velike projekte za nas!
A ono što još sadrži naš ugovor a najvažnije je to što smo distributeri pomoći za samohrane porodice i sve ugrožene grupe u ime BEOHEMIJE!
Pa tako možemo da se pohvalim da smo ozbiljno radili, komunicirali sa preko 300 samohranih porodica i obezbedili podršku onima kojima je to najpotrebnije, i to:
1. Podržali smo 12 porodica širom Srbije kupovinom šporeta, mašina, kreveta, ormara, prozora pa i pomagali onima koji su bolesni kroz terapije i fizikalna pomagala!
2. Podelili smo 2016 paketa hemije ( prašak, omekšivači, sredstva za podove i posude) i to: 2.1 na 9 opština organizaciji Crveni krst
2.2 na 8 domova za decu bez roditeljskog staranja
2.3 na 12 udruženja
2.4 individualno na 44 ugrožene porodice širom Srbije!
Kroz ove dve akcije smo posetili 12 gradova u Srbiji!
Hvala Beohemiju na svemu što radi kroz društvenu odgovornost a nama svaka čast na odgovornosti i rezultatima!

It was a pleasure to be a guest tonight at the celebration of 30 years of work of the company BEOHEMIJA, and even greater that I had the opportunity to be one of three people who had the opportunity to address numerous dignitaries from the region! It’s not just like that, there was something important to say, hence the credit! From November 2023, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” is, so to speak, the representative of BEOHEMIA for social responsibility! During 2024, thanks to monthly financial support to our Center, we managed to expand our team, change the space, get the opportunity to hire great experts to write big projects for us! And the most important part of our contract is that we distribute aid to single families and all vulnerable groups on behalf of BEOHEMIA! So we can boast that we worked seriously, communicated with over 300 single families and provided support to those who need it the most, namely: 1. We supported 12 families across Serbia by buying stoves, machines, beds, wardrobes, windows and even helped those who are sick through therapy and physical aids! 2. We distributed 2016 packages of chemistry (powder, softeners, products for floors and containers): 2.1 to 9 municipalities to the Red Cross organization 2.2 out of 8 homes for children without parental care 2.3 on 12 associations 2.4 individually for 44 vulnerable families throughout Serbia! Through these two actions, we visited 12 cities in Serbia! Thanks to Beohemij for everything it does through social responsibility, and kudos to us for our responsibility and results!

Projekat “Znanjem do boljeg života”

Jedan od projekata na koji smo posebno ponosni, a koji za cilj ima neformalno obrazovanje odraslih ljudi je projekar “Znanjem do boljeg života”. U pitanju je projekat kom je ciljna grupa Romska populacija, a koji za cilj ima informisanje ovih lica o njihovim osnovnim pravima, kao i pravljenje brošura i istraživanje o njihovim potrebama.

Hvala Komeserijatu za izbeglice koji finansira ovaj projekat!


One of the projects we are particularly proud of, which aims at informal education of adults, is the “Knowledge for a Better Life” project. It is a project whose target group is the Roma population, and which aims to inform these people about their basic rights, as well as create brochures and research about their needs. 

Thanks to the Commissariat for Refugees, which finances this project!

Donacija praška- mart 2024.godine

U martu mesecu podeljeno, Crvenom krstu Lazarevac 210 paketa hemije i Crvenom krstu Mladenovac 110 paketa!

Paketi su sadržali prašak za veš, omekšivači i tečnost za podove. Sva roba podeljena ugroženim porodicama pri ovim kućama!

Hvala firmi BEOHEMIJA Duel Srbija na robi koju Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva deli onima kojima je najpotrebnija❤️


In March, 210 packages of chemistry were distributed to the Lazarevac Red Cross and 110 packages to the Mladenovac Red Cross!

The packages contained washing powder, fabric softeners and floor cleaner. All goods distributed to vulnerable families at these houses!

Thank you to the company BEOHEMIJA Duel Serbia for the goods that the Center for the Improvement of Society distributes to those who need it the most❤️

Donacija prašak- oktobar 2023.godine

Centar za unapređenje društva u saradnji sa BIOHEMIJA DOO prikupio je:

  • 94 džakova od po 8 kg DUEL praška
  • 159 DUEL omekšivača od po 1,7 l
  • 33 DUEL omekšivača od po 2,7 l

I podelio sledećim ugroženim grupama:

  • 18 ugroženih porodica sa opštine Savski Venac
  • 46 ugroženih porodica širom Beograda a koje imaju decu ometenu u razvoju
  • 12 paketa prosleđeno Centru za integraciju mladih “ZVEZDA”
  • 11 paketa prosleđeno, zahvaljujući donaciji firme BEX, sirom Srbije za 10 samohranih majki❤️
  • 7 paketa prosleđeno u Leskovac udruženju samohranih roditelja “Tate i mame” UTIM, zahvaljujući prevozniku KANIS
  • 7 paketa Crvenom krstu Savski venac, plus 30 omekšivača.

Zahvaljujemo se u ime svih ovih ljudi!


Center for Society Advancement, in collaboration with BIOHEMIJA DOO, made a donation of DUEL laundry detergent and fabric softener to vulnerable groups

The following items were collected:

  • 94 sacks of 8 kg each of DUEL laundry detergent
  • 159 bottles of 1.7 liters each of DUEL fabric softener
  • 33 bottles of 2.7 liters each of DUEL fabric softener

These items were distributed to the following vulnerable groups:

  • 18 families in need from the municipality of Savski Venac
  • 46 vulnerable families across Belgrade with children facing developmental challenges
  • 12 packages sent to the Center for Youth Integration “ZVEZDA”
  • 11 packages sent, thanks to the donation from BEX company, throughout Serbia for 10 single mothers ❤️
  • 7 packages sent to the “Dads and Moms” UTIM association in Leskovac, thanks to the transporter KANIS
  • 7 packages to the Red Cross Savski Venac, along with 30 fabric softeners.

We thank you on behalf of all these people!