Obuka studenata za rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja

Učiti mlade, naročito studente je veliko zadovoljstvo!
Danas smo edukovali još jednu grupu, njih 11 od ukupno 63 studenata koji su uključeni u program individualne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja, pod nazivom “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”.
Većina iz ove grupe ide u Stacionar, kako bi radili sa najmladjom decom, od dve do četiri godine❤️
Hvala dragim mladim kolegama na doprinosu Alemu Dedovicu i Sari Čolić 🙂
Kako bi ovaj program živeo, veliku zahvalnost dugujemo stalnim donatorima Duel Srbija, @mona_official_page i BLACK ROCK!
A danas se posebno zahvaljujemo BOSCH-u koji je obezbedio vaučere na 2000 dinara za Vulkan knjižare, kako bismo častili naše studente za zalaganje i ogromnu podršku koju pružaju ovoj deci❤️

Teaching young people, especially students, is a great pleasure! Today we educated another group, 11 of them out of a total of 63 students who are included in the program of individual support for children without parental care, called “Let’s socialize and learn together”. Most of this group goes to the Inpatient Clinic, in order to work with the youngest children, from two to four years old❤️

Thank you dear young colleagues for their contribution to Alem Dedovic and Sara Čolić 🙂

In order for this program to live, we owe a big thank you to the regular donors Duel Serbia, @mona_official_page and BLACK ROCK! And today we would like to especially thank BOSCH, who provided vouchers for 2000 dinars for Vulkan bookstores, in order to honor our students for their commitment and the enormous support they provide to these children❤️

Obilasci domova za decu bez roditeljskog staranja u Beogradu sa novim volonterima

U okviru projekta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” pokrenut je novi ciklus upoznavnja volontera u cilju sparivanja sa decom.

Volonteri su obišli domove, upoznali se sa decom i načinom života u domu, što je izuzetno važno za njihov odnos. U toku je proces sparivanja novih 18 volontera!❤️

Bravo za naše volontere!😊


As part of the project for children without parental care “We socialize and learn together”, a new cycle of getting to know volunteers was launched with the aim of pairing with children.

The volunteers visited the homes, got to know the children and the way of life in the home, which is extremely important for their relationship. The process of pairing new 18 volunteers is underway!❤️

Druženje sa studentima Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu

Sve bolja saradnja sa Katedrom za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta!

Održana još jedna prezentacija našeg programa dualnog obrazovanja, stručnog usavršavanja studenata, kroz programe podrške ugroženim grupama. Ovo je prvi fakultet koji će uključiti ovaj vid prakse kao obavezan Dodatak diplomi za psihologe!

Trenutno uključeno preko 60 studenata i dalje sirimo program❤️

Hvala profesorki Snežani Svetozarević🤗

Title: Presentation of our dual education program at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade

Better cooperation with the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy!

Another presentation of our program of dual education, professional development of students, through support programs for vulnerable groups was held. This is the first faculty that will include this type of practice as a mandatory Addendum to the diploma for psychologists!

Currently involved over 60 students and we are still expanding the program❤️

Thank you to Professor Snežana Svetozarević🤗

Januarski supervizijski sastanak

Radno nedeljno prepodne i naši vredni studenti, koji pored ličnih i obaveza sa našom decom, stižu i na sueprvizijski sastanak nedeljom😇

Kao i uvek prošli amo krug razmene informacija kako je ko proveo vreme sa svojim detetom u proteklom periodu, na kakvim aktivnostima, kakve je probleme imao a koje probleme je kreativno rešavao, ko kakve predloge ima za unapredjenje programa☺️

Ono što su novo predložili i sto već radimo je da organizujemo druženja braće i sestara koji su smešteni u dva različita doma🤗🤗🤗

U program edukativne podrske deci bez roditeljskog staranja trenutno uključeno 49 mališana, od 6 do 12 godina iz Beograda i Bele Crkve i 30 mališana od 2 do 5 godina takodje Beograd.

Učimo jedni od drugih, utoliko bolje radimo a deci bez roditeljakog staranja pomažemo da razviju životne veštine❤️


Working weekday mornings and our hard-working students, who, in addition to their personal and responsibilities with our children, also come to the co-supervision meeting on Sundays😇

As always, there is a round of information exchange about how who spent time with their child in the past period, what kind of activities, what problems they had and what problems they solved creatively, who has any suggestions for improving the program☺️

What they have recently proposed and what we are already doing is to organize gatherings of brothers and sisters who are placed in two different homes 🤗🤗🤗

The educational support program for children without parental care currently includes 49 children, aged 6 to 12, from Belgrade and Bela Crkva, and 30 children aged 2 to 5, also in Belgrade.

We learn from each other, the better we work, and we help children without parental care to develop life skills❤️

Obuka studenata za rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja

Nas GPS – granice, strpljenje, poverenje! Put na koji usmeravamo naše studente a kada je u pitanju rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja☺️

Juče smo završili jos jednu Obuku, prošlo je još 10 studenata humanističkih nauka. Bravo za mlade kolege koje su se prijavile za ovakav jedan program podrške!

Title: Training for the program of work with children without parental care

Us GPS – limits, patience, trust! The way we direct our students when it comes to working with children without parental care☺️

Yesterday we finished another Training, another 10 humanities students passed. Well done to the young colleagues who applied for such a support program!