Tokom uskršnjih praznika 26 studenata volontera družilo se sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja u Beloj Crkvi

Tokom ove radionice, mališani su crtali, pisali i čitali. Radujemoo se što im to jako dobro ipolazi za rukom,a mi ćemo nastojati da se to neguje i još više razvije.

Par sati smo odvojili i za aktivnosti na terenu, gde su na poligonima imali priliku da se takmiče i malo se fizički aktiviraju.

Posebno se zahvaljujemo volonterima iz Beograda, koji, uz našu podršku, putuju tamo kako bi pružili podršku ovoj deci


During the Easter holidays, 26 student volunteers spent time with children without parental care in Bela Crkva

During this workshop, the little ones drew, wrote, and read. We are delighted to see them doing so well, and we will strive to nurture and further develop these skills.

We also dedicated a few hours to on-site activities, where the children had the opportunity to compete and engage in some physical activities on the playgrounds.

A special thanks to the volunteers from Belgrade, who, with our support, travel there to provide assistance to these children.

Pročitaj  Donacija praška- maj 2024.godine