Januarski supervizijski sastanak

Radno nedeljno prepodne i naši vredni studenti, koji pored ličnih i obaveza sa našom decom, stižu i na sueprvizijski sastanak nedeljom😇

Kao i uvek prošli amo krug razmene informacija kako je ko proveo vreme sa svojim detetom u proteklom periodu, na kakvim aktivnostima, kakve je probleme imao a koje probleme je kreativno rešavao, ko kakve predloge ima za unapredjenje programa☺️

Ono što su novo predložili i sto već radimo je da organizujemo druženja braće i sestara koji su smešteni u dva različita doma🤗🤗🤗

U program edukativne podrske deci bez roditeljskog staranja trenutno uključeno 49 mališana, od 6 do 12 godina iz Beograda i Bele Crkve i 30 mališana od 2 do 5 godina takodje Beograd.

Učimo jedni od drugih, utoliko bolje radimo a deci bez roditeljakog staranja pomažemo da razviju životne veštine❤️


Working weekday mornings and our hard-working students, who, in addition to their personal and responsibilities with our children, also come to the co-supervision meeting on Sundays😇

As always, there is a round of information exchange about how who spent time with their child in the past period, what kind of activities, what problems they had and what problems they solved creatively, who has any suggestions for improving the program☺️

What they have recently proposed and what we are already doing is to organize gatherings of brothers and sisters who are placed in two different homes 🤗🤗🤗

The educational support program for children without parental care currently includes 49 children, aged 6 to 12, from Belgrade and Bela Crkva, and 30 children aged 2 to 5, also in Belgrade.

We learn from each other, the better we work, and we help children without parental care to develop life skills❤️

Pročitaj  Nova grupa volontera na projektu "Družimo se i učimo zajedno"