Donacija praška- januar 2024.godine

Šta bi “Centar za unapredjenje društva” radio ako ne bi činio dobra dela i to onima kojima je najpotrebnije❤️

Za januar podeljena hemija Crvenom krstu Čukarica 60 kompleta (deterdzent 8kg, 1 omekšivač i 2 tečnosti za sudje) , Svratištu za decu ulice NBG i Krfska 65 istih paketa i NURDOR 25 za njihove kuće gde borave oboleli❤️


150 džakova praška

150 omkešivača

300 deterdženta za suđe

Možemo zahvaliti ponovo firmi Duel Srbija #beohemija jer smo zajedno TIM!


What would the “Center for the Advancement of Society” do if it did not do good deeds to those who need it the most❤️

For January, chemistry was distributed to the Red Cross of Čukarica 60 sets (deterdzent 8 kg, 1 softener and 2 liquids for judges), the Children’s Shelter on NBG and Krfska streets 65 of the same packages and NURDOR 25 for their homes where the sick stay ❤️


150 bags of powder

150 softeners

300 dish detergent

We can thank the company Duel Srbija #beohemija again because together we are a TEAM!

Pročitaj  Donacija praška- decembar 2023.godine