Obeležen završetak prvog ciklusa programa “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Dvadesetčetvrtog juna obeležen je završetak jednog ciklusa projekta Samostlan ali ne sam. Projekat je realizovao Centar za integraciju mladih ZVEZDA u partnerstvu sa Centom za unapređenje društva i uz podršku Centra za zaštitu odojčadi, dece i omladine Zvečanska 7.

Projekat je namenjen mladima bez roditeljskog staranja, koji se pripremaju za samostalan život, i mladima koji su pre nekoliko godina napustili domski smeštaj i osamostalili se.

Cilj projekta je da mladi koji su pre nekoliko godina izašli iz doma i osamostalili se uz pomoć Centra Zvezda postanu mentori mladima koji se spremaju za osamostaljivanje, kako bi ih naučili da prevaziđu brojne prepreke i izazove i što lakše prebrode period adaptacije u lokalnoj zajednici.

Ovom prilikom okupili smo mlade da proslavimo saradnju i isplaniramo sledeće korake. Takođe, gosti su nam bili i kolege iz ASTRE i IZLAZAK, koji su podučili mlade kako da izbegnu potpadanje pod uticaj droge i postanu žrtve trgovine ljudima.

Usput smo se malo nasmejali i zabavili, uživali u posluženoj večeri i ukusnoj torti.

Zahvaljujemo se svima na lepoj saradnji, a naročito hotelu Radisson, koji nam je ustupio svoj predivan prostor.

Još jedan dobar posao smo priveli kraju, a verujemo da će biti još bolji i uspešniji nastavak!


On June 25, 2023, we marked the completion of a cycle of the project “Independent but not Alone”

The project was implemented by the Center for Youth Integration “ZVEZDA” in partnership with the Center for Society Advancement and with the support of the Center for the Protection of Infants, Children, and Youth at Zvečanska 7.

The project is designed for young people without parental care who are preparing for independent living, as well as for those who left institutional care a few years ago and have become self-reliant. The goal of the project is for young individuals who have previously left institutional care and achieved independence with the assistance of the Center ZVEZDA to become mentors for those currently preparing for independence. This mentoring aims to help them overcome numerous obstacles and challenges, facilitating a smoother transition during their adaptation period in the local community.

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On this occasion, we brought the youth together to celebrate our collaboration and plan for the next steps. We were honored to have colleagues from ASTRA and IZLAZAK as our guests, who educated the youth on avoiding drug influence and avoid becoming victims of human trafficking.

We also took some time for laughter and fun, enjoying a served dinner and a delicious cake. We express our gratitude to everyone for the wonderful collaboration, especially to the Radisson Hotel, which generously provided us with its beautiful space.

Another successful job has come to an end, and we believe that the continuation will be even better and more successful!