Poziv za pomoć pri organizaciji edukativno-terapeutskog izleta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja

Centar za unapređenje društva poziva sve da se pridruže i pomognu u organizaciji još jednog edukativno-terapeutskog izleta za decu bez roditeljskog staranja i mlada slepa lica sa kojima, takođe, radimo na razvoju veština i podsticaju njihove samostalnosti.

U okviru godišnjih ciklusa podrške, uvek organizujemo bar dva izleta za celu grupu, a od ove godine će nam se priključiti i mališani iz doma u Beloj Crkvi.

Cilj je da im omogućimo da vide i nauče nešto novo, nauče a povrh svega da malo izađu iz doma i zaborave na loše trenutke i probleme sa kojima se svakodnevno suočavaju. Važno je napomenuti da, koliko god za njih radimo dobre stvari, izlet je nešto što od svega najviše žele i svaki put mu se nezmerno raduju.

Popunili smo čak dva autobusa, a s obzirom na to da smo dobili podršku od Drvengrada i Šarganske osmice, MOLIMO I VAS da nas podržite u doniranju hrane i pića. Za ovaj izlet potrebno nam je 160 obroka (bar dva obroka – pljeskavice ili sličan paket), po 80 flašica sokova i flaširane vode.

Robu treba najkasnije da obezbedimo do 20. juna!


Call for Assistance in Organizing an Educational-Therapeutic Trip for Children without Parental Care

The Center for Society Advancement invites everyone to join and help in organizing another educational-therapeutic trip for children without parental care and young visually impaired individuals with whom we also work on skill development and fostering their independence.

As part of our annual support cycles, we always organize at least two trips for the entire group, and starting this year, children from the institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva will also be joining us.

Pročitaj  Predstavljanje "Centra za unapredjenje društva" Rottary klubu "Passport"

The goal is to give them the opportunity to see and learn something new, and above all, to take a break from residing in the institution and to forget about the difficult moments and challenges they face on daily  bases. It’s important to note that, no matter how many good things we do for them, the excursion is something they eagerly anticipate and greatly enjoy each time.

We have filled up two buses, and we were given the support from Drvengrad and Šarganska osmica, so we kindly ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT in donating food and beverages. For this trip, we need 160 meals (at least two meals – burgers or a similar package), 80 bottles of juice, and 80 bottles of water.

We need to secure the supplies by June 20 at the latest!