Predivno Uskršnje druženje sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja u Beloj Crkvi

Razvijamo novi koncept grupnog rada s obzirom na to da nemamo dovoljan broj studenata za program individualne podrške koji je proširen i na ovaj dom.

Uprkos ne tako lakim zadacima, ovi mališani su shvatili njihovu ozbiljnost i predano se posvetili njihovom ispunjenju. Bilo je 26 mališana i samo četvoro ljudi koji su radili sa njima.

Ovog puta smo pričali o Uskrsu, farbali jaja i pravili uskršnje kese u obliku zeke.

Svaka radionica će biti tematska, a jedna će se redovno ponavljati: vežbanje čitanja, pisanja i računskih operacija!

Tu su i dodatni predavači na temu koji će pričati o internetu, zdravlju, nasilju, trgovinu ljudima.

Ovom prilikom zahvaljujemo se MONI i volonterima na podršci!


A wonderful Easter gathering with the children from the institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva

We are developing a new concept of group activities due to a limited number of students for the individual support program, which has now been expanded to include this facility.

Despite facing some challenges, these little ones understood the importance of the activities and dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to solving task. There were 26 children and only four people working with them.

This time, we discussed Easter, painted eggs, and made Easter bags in bunny shape.

Each workshop will have a specific theme, and one will be regularly repeated: focusing on reading, writing, and mathematical operations!

We also have guest speakers who will talk about various topics such as the Internet, health, violence, and human trafficking.

We would like to express our gratitude to MONI and the volunteers for their support on this occasion!

Pročitaj  Uz pomoć volontera, deca su učila o ličnoj bezbednosti i situacijama koje za njih mogu biti ugrožavajuće, sticala znanja o godišnjim dobima, crtala razne predmete i određivala njihovu upotrebu, vežbala pisanje slova i reči kroz igru. Na jednoj od radionica imali su zadatak da nacrtaju sebe kao superheroja i da osmisle koju bi supermoć želeli da poseduju. Takođe, igrali su se pamtomime, oprobali se u ekspresiji emocija kroz glumu i crtali termometar besa/ljutnje po kom su pisali na koji način postupaju kada se nađu na različitom stupnju raspoloženja. Na kraju radionice, deca su sa volonterima diskutovala o reakcijama koje su navodili (psovati, potući se, vikati, šutirati) i zajedničkim snagama došli do zaključka da takve reakcije nisu dobre, nskon čega su od volontera naučili vežbu dubokog disanja, koja pomaže pri smirenju besa. Svaka radionica zaokružena je fudbalom, igrama sa čunjevima, sedenjem sa volonterima u dvorištu i pričom o temama o kojima se govorilo na radionici. Zahvaljujemo se na ovom predivnom iskustvu našim mladim kolegama psiholozima! August 7th, 2023, the Center for Society Advancement and its volunteers diligently worked with children living in a home for children without parential care in Bela Crkva With the assistance of volunteers, the children learned about personal safety and situations that could be threatening to them, gained knowledge about the seasons, drew various objects and determined their use, practiced writing letters and words through play. In one of the workshops, they were tasked with drawing themselves as superheroes and imagining which superpower they would like to possess. Additionally, they played pantomime, experimented with expressing emotions through acting, and drew a thermometer which represents anger, on which they wrote how they behave when they are in different moods. At the end of the workshop, the children discussed with the volunteers the reactions they listed (cursing, fighting, yelling, kicking), and together, they got to the conclusion that such reactions are not good. Following this, they learned from the volunteers the deep breathing exercise, which helps calm anger. Each workshop was closed with soccer, games with cones, sitting with volunteers in the yard, and discussing the topics covered during the workshop. We express our gratitude to our young colleagues, psychologists for this wonderful experience!