Donacija paketa hemije u novembru 2024 godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa @duel._beohemija u novembru mesecu pakete hemije podelio je na tri adrese:
1. Centar Reto-Ima nade😊 U pitanju je neprofitna humanitarna organizacija čija je glavna delatnost rehabilitacija i resocijalizacija osoba koje imaju probleme sa alkoholom i narkomanijom
2. Preko Crvenog krsta Barajevo paketi hemije donirani su samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama sa ove teritorije
3. Preko Crvenog krsta Rakovica paketi hemije donirani su samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama 😊
U jednom paketu hemije nalaze se prašak za veš, deterdžent za veš i tečnost za pranje podova. Ovog meseca donirano je 250 pameta hemije❤️

In November, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” in cooperation with @duel._beohemija distributed chemistry packages to three addresses: 1. Center Reto-Ima nade😊 It is a non-profit humanitarian organization whose main activity is the rehabilitation and resocialization of people who have problems with alcohol and drug addiction 2. Through the Barajevo Red Cross, chemical packages were donated to single and socially vulnerable families from this territory 3. Through the Rakovica Red Cross, chemistry packages were donated to single and socially disadvantaged families 😊 One package of chemistry contains washing powder, laundry detergent and floor washing liquid. This month, 250 chemistry brains were donated❤️

Predstavljanje projekta “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” studentima pedagogije u Novom Sadu

Završena još jedna prezentacija programa za decu bez roditeljskog staranja iz Sremske Kamenice i Bele Crkve!
Ovog puta smo se družili sa studentima Odseka za pedagogiju Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, koji i najviše treba da volontiranje kroz rad sa decom jer su usko stručno vezani za tu grupaciju! Fakultet će im ovaj program priznati kao stručnu praksu.
Bilo je zadovoljstvo pričati sa njima i ukazati koliko je važno dualno obrazovanje studenata, naročito društvenih nauka, kao i koliko takav nji hov angažman doprinosi unapredjenju života ugroženih u lokalnoj zajednici.
Puno hvala dragom kolegi Radenku Kondiću, rukovodiocu Službe za smeštaj u domu iz Sremske Kamenice, bez čije pomoći ne bismo uspostavili ovako dobru saradnju sa novosadskim Univerzitetom.
Dragi studenti društvenjaci prijavite se jer uskoro završavamo sa formiranjem grupe za rad sa mališanima iz gore navedenih domova❤️
Prijave na
Veliko hvala društveno odgovornim firmama koje podržavaju ovaj projekat! @duel._beohemija @mona_official_page @grawesrbija @boschhomesrb

Another presentation of the program for children without parental care from Sremska Kamenica and Bela Crkva has been completed! This time we hung out with the students of the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Novi Sad, who most need to volunteer through work with children because they are closely related professionally to that group! The faculty will recognize this program as professional practice. It was a pleasure to talk with them and point out how important the dual education of students, especially social sciences, is, as well as how much their involvement contributes to improving the lives of the vulnerable in the local community. Many thanks to my dear colleague Radenko Kondić, head of the Accommodation Service in the dormitory from Sremska Kamenica, without whose help we would not have established such good cooperation with the University of Novi Sad. Dear sociable students, sign up because we will soon finish forming a group to work with children from the above-mentioned homes❤️ Applications to Many thanks to the socially responsible companies that support this project! @duel._beohemija @mona_official_page @grawesrbija @boschhomesrb

Donacija paketa hemija za oktobar 2024 godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa @duel._beohemija u oktobru mesecu donirao je pakovanja hemije na četiri adrese:
1. 10 paketa donirano je Domu za decu i omladinu “Vera Blagojević” u Banji Koviljači
2. 10 paketa donirano je Domu Nade
3. Preko Kola srpskih sestara donirano je 30 paketa hemije samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama sa teritorije Leskovac
4. Preko Crvenog krsta Bujanovac podeljeno je 200 paketa hemije samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama
U paketu hemije nalaze se prašak za veš, omekšivač i tečnost za brisanje podova.🥰
Ukupno je podeljeno 250 paketa ovog meseca😍❤️
Veliko hvala @duel._beohemija!❤️

The “Center for the Improvement of Society” in cooperation with @duel._beohemija in October donated packages of chemistry to four addresses: 1. 10 packages were donated to the Home for Children and Youth “Vera Blagojević” in Banja Koviljača 2. 10 packages were donated to the House of Hope 3. Via the Circle of Serbian Sisters, 30 packages of chemistry were donated to single-parent and socially vulnerable families from the territory of Leskovac 4. Through the Bujanovac Red Cross, 200 packages of chemistry were distributed to single and socially vulnerable families The chemistry package includes washing powder, fabric softener and liquid for mopping floors A total of 250 packages were distributed this month😍❤️ Big thanks to @duel._beohemija!❤️

Radionica o komunikaciji- projekat “Samostalan, ali ne i sam”

U petak smo održali još jednu radionicu za mlade bez roditeljskog staranja koji uskoro napuštaju domski smeštaj😊
Projekat “Samostalan, ali ne sam” naš “Centar za unapredjenje društva” realizuje u saradnji sa @centar_zvezda
Ovoga puta, tema edukativne radionice je bila komunikacija🥰 Naučili smo različite načine komunikacije, kao i efekte koje postižemo asertivnim pristupom problemu!
Posle radionice smo jeli krofne koje su napravljene u Kući mogućnosti⭐️
Veliko hvala @mona_official_page na radionici, mladima je bilo veoma zanimljivo i korisno!

On Friday, we held another workshop for young people without parental care who are soon leaving home care😊 The project “Independent, but not alone” is realized by our “Center for the Improvement of Society” in cooperation with @centar_zvezda This time, the topic of the educational workshop was communication. We learned different ways of communication, as well as the effects we achieve with an assertive approach to the problem! After the workshop, we ate donuts that were made in the House of Opportunities⭐️ Many thanks to @mona_official_page for the workshop, it was very interesting and useful for the young people!❤️

20 godina projekta “Stariji brat, starija sestra”

Obeležavanje 20 godina postojanja projekta za ugroženu decu, pod nazivom “Stariji brat, starija sestra” održano je u Sarajevu 20 novembra. A obeležile su ga kolege iz udruženja NARKO NE i fondacija “Stariji brat, starija sestra”.
Centar za unapredjenje drustva je imao to zadovoljstvo da prisustvuje ovom jako važnom dešavanju jer i sam sprovodi isti program, pod nazivom “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” i to za decu bez roditeljskog staranja, gde će već od januara 2025 godine, verovatno biti uključena preko 130 mališana od 2 do 12 godina i to sirom Srbije!
Čuli smo iskustva i volontera i dece, koji su sada već veliki ljudi!
Koliko je važno detetu koje živi u jako oskudnim uslovima, a naročito ako nema roditelje uopšte, da ima jednu zdravu mladu osobu koja će mu biti SVE!!!
Zaista smo ponosni što radimo isto program, što imamo priliku da učimo od onih koji to decenijama rade, što nam samo pokazuje da radimo jako svrsishodan program!
Svaka čast kolegama! @fondacija_sbss

The celebration of the 20th anniversary of the project for vulnerable children, called “Older Brother, Older Sister” was held in Sarajevo on November 20. And he was celebrated by his colleagues from the NARKO NE association and the “Older Brother, Older Sister” foundation. The Center for the Advancement of Society had the pleasure of attending this very important event because it itself implements the same program, called “We socialize and learn together” for children without parental care, where from January 2025, they will probably be included through 130 children from 2 to 12 years old all over Serbia! We heard the experiences of both volunteers and children, who are now big people! How important is it for a child who lives in very poor conditions, especially if he has no parents at all, to have one healthy young person who will be his EVERYTHING!!! We are really proud to do the same program, to have the opportunity to learn from those who have been doing it for decades, which only shows us that we are doing a very purposeful program! Kudos to colleagues! @fondacija_sbss