Druženje sa studentima Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu

Sve bolja saradnja sa Katedrom za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta!

Održana još jedna prezentacija našeg programa dualnog obrazovanja, stručnog usavršavanja studenata, kroz programe podrške ugroženim grupama. Ovo je prvi fakultet koji će uključiti ovaj vid prakse kao obavezan Dodatak diplomi za psihologe!

Trenutno uključeno preko 60 studenata i dalje sirimo program❤️

Hvala profesorki Snežani Svetozarević🤗

Title: Presentation of our dual education program at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade

Better cooperation with the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy!

Another presentation of our program of dual education, professional development of students, through support programs for vulnerable groups was held. This is the first faculty that will include this type of practice as a mandatory Addendum to the diploma for psychologists!

Currently involved over 60 students and we are still expanding the program❤️

Thank you to Professor Snežana Svetozarević🤗

Sednica foruma za društveno odgovorno poslovanje

Koliko je korisno sve sto radimo pokazuje i učešće  Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva na “Sednici foruma za društveno odgovorno poslovanje” u Privrednoj komori Srbije danas.

Bili smo jedno od dva udruženja koja su imala priliku da pred Savetom prezentuje svoj rad a naročito naš program inkluzivne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja, pod nazivom “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”.

Forum će nas preporučiti svojim članicama kako bi smo dobili sredstva da program širimo i na druge gradove u Srbiji!

Hvala saradnicima  Alem Dedovic i Ljubiši Jovanović na učešću i podršci danas takodje.

Title: Session of the forum for socially responsible business

How useful everything we do is shown by the participation of the Center for the Improvement of Society at the “Session of the Forum for Socially Responsible Business” at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce today.

We were one of the two associations that had the opportunity to present their work before the Council, especially our program of inclusive support for children without parental care, called “Let’s socialize and learn together”.

The forum will recommend us to its members so that we can get funds to spread the program to other cities in Serbia!

Thanks to colleagues Alem Dedovic and Ljubiša Jovanović for their participation and support today as well.

Donacija praška- januar 2024.godine

Šta bi “Centar za unapredjenje društva” radio ako ne bi činio dobra dela i to onima kojima je najpotrebnije❤️

Za januar podeljena hemija Crvenom krstu Čukarica 60 kompleta (deterdzent 8kg, 1 omekšivač i 2 tečnosti za sudje) , Svratištu za decu ulice NBG i Krfska 65 istih paketa i NURDOR 25 za njihove kuće gde borave oboleli❤️


150 džakova praška

150 omkešivača

300 deterdženta za suđe

Možemo zahvaliti ponovo firmi Duel Srbija #beohemija jer smo zajedno TIM!


What would the “Center for the Advancement of Society” do if it did not do good deeds to those who need it the most❤️

For January, chemistry was distributed to the Red Cross of Čukarica 60 sets (deterdzent 8 kg, 1 softener and 2 liquids for judges), the Children’s Shelter on NBG and Krfska streets 65 of the same packages and NURDOR 25 for their homes where the sick stay ❤️


150 bags of powder

150 softeners

300 dish detergent

We can thank the company Duel Srbija #beohemija again because together we are a TEAM!

Donacija praška- decembar 2023.godine

Centar za unapredjenje društva nastavlja sa podelom praška za veš ugroženim grupama i institucijama🤗

U decembru mesecu podeljeno je 200 dzakova od po 8kg, i to OBROKU ZA PORODICU BEOGRAD 50 vreća I CENTRU ZA ZAŠTITU ODOJČADI, DECE I OMLADINE BEOGRAD 150 vreća, koji brine o mališanima bez roditeljakog staranja i na domskom smeštaju u Beogradu🤗


The Center for the Advancement of Society continues with the distribution of washing powder to vulnerable groups and institutions🤗

In December, 200 bags of 8 kg each were distributed, 50 bags to the BELGRADE FAMILY MEAL AND 150 bags to the INFANT, CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROTECTION CENTER BELGRADE, which takes care of children without parental care and in home care in Belgrade🤗🤗

Obuka studenata za rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja

Srećni smo uvek kada se prijavi dovoljan broj studenata humanističkih nauka za naš program podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja

Za ovaj ciklus danas obučeno još 20 studenata i sada imamo 45 parova student/dete

Još njih 15 je na čekanju a nova saradnja i prijave očekujemo tokom februara!

Važno je da pokrijemo svu decu u beogradskim domovima kojima ovakakv vid podrske treba, a i u Beloj Crkvi

Sve pohvale za profesorku Anu Grbić sa “Više škole za socijalni rad” , čijih se 15 studenata prijavilo!

Takodje veliko hvala profesorki Snežani Svetozarević koja je prepoznala značaj programa za njene studente i zahvaljujući njoj, ovaj program će uskoro postati jedan od obaveznih programa za stručnu praksu na Filozofskom fakultetu, psihologija!

Što bi neko rekao, idemo dalje


We are always happy when a sufficient number of humanities students apply for our program to support children without parental care. For this cycle, 20 more students were trained today and now we have 45 student/child pairs. Another 15 of them are pending, and we expect new cooperation and applications during February! It is important to cover all the children in Belgrade homes who need this kind of support, and also in Bela Crkva.

Congratulations to Professor Ana Grbić from the “College of Social Work”, whose 15 students applied!

Also, a big thank you to professor Snežana Svetozarević who recognized the importance of the program for her students and thanks to her, this program will soon become one of the mandatory programs for professional practice at the Faculty of Philosophy, Psychology!