Gostovanje na jutarnjem programu RTS-a

Jutros smo se družili, naš Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva  i ja sa Bojanom Marković u jutarnjem programu RTSa:)

Pričali smo o velikoj podršci koju pružamo deci bez roditeljskog staranja i podršci za samohrane porodice i njihovu deci, koju započinjemo ove godine 🥰

Title: Guest appearance on the morning program of RTS

This morning we hung out, our Center for the Improvement of Society and I with Bojana Marković in the RTS morning program:)

We talked about the great support we provide to children without parental care and support for single families and their children, which we are starting this year


Pročitaj  Manifestacija "Njihov osmijeh vredi više"