Obuka studenata za rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja

Srećni smo uvek kada se prijavi dovoljan broj studenata humanističkih nauka za naš program podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja

Za ovaj ciklus danas obučeno još 20 studenata i sada imamo 45 parova student/dete

Još njih 15 je na čekanju a nova saradnja i prijave očekujemo tokom februara!

Važno je da pokrijemo svu decu u beogradskim domovima kojima ovakakv vid podrske treba, a i u Beloj Crkvi

Sve pohvale za profesorku Anu Grbić sa “Više škole za socijalni rad” , čijih se 15 studenata prijavilo!

Takodje veliko hvala profesorki Snežani Svetozarević koja je prepoznala značaj programa za njene studente i zahvaljujući njoj, ovaj program će uskoro postati jedan od obaveznih programa za stručnu praksu na Filozofskom fakultetu, psihologija!

Što bi neko rekao, idemo dalje


We are always happy when a sufficient number of humanities students apply for our program to support children without parental care. For this cycle, 20 more students were trained today and now we have 45 student/child pairs. Another 15 of them are pending, and we expect new cooperation and applications during February! It is important to cover all the children in Belgrade homes who need this kind of support, and also in Bela Crkva.

Congratulations to Professor Ana Grbić from the “College of Social Work”, whose 15 students applied!

Also, a big thank you to professor Snežana Svetozarević who recognized the importance of the program for her students and thanks to her, this program will soon become one of the mandatory programs for professional practice at the Faculty of Philosophy, Psychology!

Pročitaj  Pohvale za naše volontere psihologe i decu iz doma u Beloj Crkvi