Održana još jedna vikend radionica sa mališanima iz Bele Crkve

Tokom ovog vikenda odrzana je još jedna radionica za mališane iz doma u Beloj Crkvi. Ovog puta mališani su učili šta je prijateljstvo, pisali pismo svom najboljem prijatelju. Zatim su kroz kviz sumirali šta su sve učili sa nama od aprila meseca, što im je posebno bilo zaba


Another Workshop Held for the children from the Institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva

During this weekend, another workshop was held for the little ones from the institution for children without parential care in Bela Crkva. This time, the children learned about friendship, they wrote letters to their best friends, and then, through a quiz, they summarized everything they have learned with us since the month of April, which was particularly enjoyable for them.

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