Održana konferencija Tailoring the future for Women in WB Region u Prištini

Sedmog juna 2023. godine održana je konferencija Tailoring the future for Women in WB Region u Prištini. Konferencija je bila posvćena nedostatku sistemske podrške ženama.

Jedna od panelistkinja bila je Dušica Jeleč, predsednica Centra za unapređenje društva. Dušica je skrenula pažnju na nedovoljnu i neadekvatnu podršku ženama koje su žrtve nasilja, ali i da umnogome izostaje i ekonomska podrška.

Mnogo se govori o rodnoj jednakosti i liderstvu žena, a ne pruža im se adekvatna podrška u svakodnevnim problemima. Za njihovo bolje i bezbednije sutra, važno je biti tim ženama oslonac, kako bi se osamostalile i postale spremne da postignu odlične rezultate u svom životu.

Zahvaljujemo se OPEA Organization na gostoprimstvu i odličnoj organizaciji.


Conference “Tailoring the Future for Women in WB Region” Held in Pristina

On June 7th, 2023, the “Tailoring the Future for Women in WB Region” conference took place in Pristina. The conference was  focused on the lack of support for women within the system.

One of the panelists was Dušica Jeleč, President of the Center for Society Advancement. Dušica drew attention to the insufficient and inadequate support for women who are victims of violence, highlighting the often the lack of economic support.

While much is said about gender equality and women’s leadership, there is a significant gap in providing them with adequate support in their daily challenges. To ensure a better and safer future for them, it is crucial to be a support system for these women, enabling them to become independent and ready to achieve excellent results in their lives.

Special thanks to OPEA Organization for their hospitality and excellent organization.

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