Program PRO

Program PRO/ sprovode UN agencije sa Vladom Srbije, uz fin podršku Švajcarske agencije za razvoj – u susret formiranju regionalnih Centara za reciklažu i definisanje plana podrške za neformalne sakupljače sekundarnih sirovina. “Centar za unapredjenje drustva” planira da pruži podršku sa socijalnog aspekta, naročito u neformalnom obrazovanju dece, kroz individualnu podršku i sl.
Hvala dragom kolegi ,Zeljku Vidanović,
Koordinatoru “Centra za digitalno ukljucivanje” sa kojim vec saradjujemo kroz program podrške samohranim roditeljima i raspodele hemije za ugrožene.
A drago nam je i da ćemo saradjivati sa našom Radmilom Ivetić iz “Banke hrane”, kao i sa Senidom Klarć🤗


The PRO/ program is implemented by UN agencies with the Government of Serbia, with the fine support of the Swiss Development Agency – in response to the formation of regional recycling centers and the definition of a support plan for informal collectors of secondary raw materials. The “Center for the Advancement of Society” plans to provide support from the social aspect, especially in the informal education of children, through individual support and the like. Thank you to my dear colleague, Zeljko Vidanović, To the coordinator of the “Center for Digital Inclusion” with whom we already cooperate through the program of support for single parents and the distribution of chemistry for the vulnerable. And we are also glad that we will cooperate with our Radmila Ivetić from the “Food Bank”, as well as with Senida Klarć🤗

Pročitaj  Program "Samostalan, ali ne sam"