Radna nedelja u Centru za unapređenje društva

Nasa Nađa Janjić  ove nedelje podelila je džeparac studentima kako bi prilikom raznih aktivnosti uživali u druženju sa decom bez roditelja. U program je trenutno uključeno 26 studenata i dece. Ponosni smo na predanost i posvećenost mališana i studenata volontera koji su uključeni u naš program. Ponosni smo i na to sto započinjemo isti program u domu za decu u Beloj Crkvi. Verujemo da će nam se pružiti prilika da povećamo visinu džeparca, kako bi ovo druženje bilo još kvalitetnije i potpunije.

Ovaj dan ulepšala je i jedna divna kuca, koju je naša koleginica Nađa spasila. Nadamo se da će joj neko pružiti topao dom pun ljubavi.


January 22nd, 2023 Working Sunday at the Center for Society Advancement

This Sunday our team member Nađa Janjić distributed allowances to students so that they could enjoy various activities and socialize with children without parential care. Currently, 26 students and children are involved in the program. We are proud of the dedication and commitment shown by both the little ones and the volunteer students in our program. We are also proud to announce the initiation of the same program in a children’s home in Bela Crkva. We believe that there will be opportunities to increase the allowance amount, making these interactions even more meaningful and fulfilling.


The day was brightened by the rescue of a wonderful dog by our colleague Nađa. We hope that someone will provide a warm and loving home for this puppy.

Pročitaj  Ponosni smo na uspeh naših mališana