Snimljen prilog za Beogradsku hroniku

Dušica Jeleč, predsednica Centra za unapređenje društva, i naša koleginica Marija, koja radi sa jednim detetom iz beogradskog doma, za Beogradsku hroniku pričale su o značaju individualnog rada sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja. Ovom prilikom rekle su i nešto više o našem projektu Družimo se i učimo zajedno, koji sprovodi upravo ovu metodu individualnog pristupa.

Zoran Milačić, generalni direktor Centra u Zvecanskoj 7, takođe je izrazio nekoliko pohvalnih reči o ovom projektu.


August 15th, 2023, a segment for Belgrade Chronicles was recorded

Dušica Jeleč, President of the Center for Society Advancement, and our colleague Marija, who works with a child from a Belgrade Children’s home for those without parental care, spoke about the importance of individual work with children without parental care. On this occasion, they also shared more about our project Socializing and Learning Together, which precisely implements this method of individual approach.

Zoran Milačić, the General Director of the Center at Zvecanska 7, also expressed several commendable words about this project.

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