Edukacija o pronalaženju posla u projektu “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Danas smo kao partneri u programu podrške mladima koji napuštaju sistem, “Centar za integraciju mladih ZVEZDA” i Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva organizovali posetu firmi #delhaize gde su zaposleni ove firme organizovali obuku na temu pronalaženja posla. Edukaciju pohađalo 12 mladih, i onih koji se pripremaju za izlazak iz doma a i onih koji su ga već napustili.
Hvala, bilo je zaista korisno

Today, as partners in the support program for young people who leave the system, the “ZVEZDA Youth Integration Center” and the Center for the Improvement of Society organized a visit to the company #delhaize, where the employees of this company organized training on the topic of finding a job. The training was attended by 12 young people, both those who are preparing to leave home and those who have already left it. Thanks, it was really helpful

Druženje u Bojčinskoj šumi- projekat “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Prošle nedelje, u saradnji sa Centrom “Zvezda”, a u okviru projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam” organizovali smo još jedno druženje, ovoga puta to je bio izlet u Bojčinskoj šumi😊

Mentori i mladi koji se nalaze na domskom smeštaju su se družili, bolje upoznali i jahali konje🥰
Za kraj, obezbedili smo i večeru u restoranu Bojčinske šume u Beogradu❤️

Last week, in cooperation with the Center “Zvezda”, and as part of the project “Independent, but not alone”, we organized another get-together, this time it was a trip to Bojčinska forest 😊 Mentors and young people who are in home accommodation socialized, got to know each other better and rode horses Finally, we also provided dinner at the Bojčinske šume restaurant in Belgrade

Druženje u Kući mogućnosti- “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

U subotu je u Kući mogućnosti održana još jedna aktivnost sa mladima u sklopu projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam” sa ciljem upoznavanja i sparivanja mladih!
Mladi iz domova “Drinka Pavlović”, “Moše Pijade” i “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” posetili su Kuću mogućnosti, koja je u vlasništvu Centra Zvezde, gde su se družili sa mentorima, dogovarali sledeća vidjenja, igrali odbojku, stoni fudbal!

On Saturday, another activity with young people was held in the House of Opportunities as part of the project “Self-reliant, but not alone” with the aim of getting to know and pairing young people! Young people from the “Drinka Pavlović”, “Moše Pijade” and “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” homes visited the House of Opportunities, which is owned by the Zvezda Center, where they socialized with mentors, arranged the next meetings, played volleyball, table football!

Pokretanje drugog ciklusa programa “Samostalan, ali ne sam” u saradnji sa Centrom Zvezda

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” nastavlja uspešno program za osamostaljivanje mladih bez roditeljskog staranja pod nazivom “Samostalan ali ne sam” a kao partner nosiocu programa “Centru za integraciju mladih ZVEZDA”.
Za 20 mladih koji napuštaju sistem socijalne zaštite, tačnije izlaze iz doma, organizovali smo upoznavanje sa njihovim mentorima a ceo proces njihovog prvog druženja sprovela je HR firma “TACK&TMI GLOBAL”.
Mladi su se odlično zabavili kroz interaktivne igre a kao epilog celog procesa formirani su prvi parovi mentora i mentija.
Osnovna ideja programa je da mladi koji su izašli iz sistema pre nekoliko godina, oni koji su se već suočili sa svim strahovima i nedaćama po izlasku iz doma jer nisu imali nikog i ništa, budu mentori mladima koji sada napuštaju sistem! Oni treba da pomognu mladima kako da se što lakše uklope u lokalnu zajednicu i uspešno započnu samostalan život, da izbegnu mnoge zamke koje su “stari domci” prošli!
Predivna grupa, izuzetni mladi ljudi, za koje nikada ne biste rekli da žive u domu, lepi, lepo obučeni, vredni, neki već i rade a sve to sami postižu i grabe napred!
Puno hvala hotelu Radisson Collection Hotel, Old Mill Belgrade
koji nam je obezbedio besplatno svoj predivni prostor za rad, kao i hranu sa pićem!
Pozivamo sve donatore da se uključe jer sredstva za ovaj program trenutno
NEMAMO a pružamo OGROMNU podršku ovim mladima bez roditelja koji sami odrastaju na domskom smeštaju, i to većina od rodjenja.

The “Center for the Improvement of Society” successfully continues the program for the independence of young people without parental care under the name “Independent but not alone” and as a partner of the program holder “Center for the Integration of Youth ZVEZDA”. For 20 young people who are leaving the social protection system, or more precisely leaving the home, we organized an introduction to their mentors, and the entire process of their first meeting was conducted by the HR firm “TACK&TMI GLOBAL”. The young people had a great time through interactive games, and as an epilogue to the whole process, the first pairs of mentors and mentees were formed. The basic idea of ​​the program is that young people who left the system a few years ago, those who already faced all the fears and adversities after leaving home because they had no one and nothing, be mentors to the young people who are now leaving the system! They should help young people to fit into the local community as easily as possible and successfully start an independent life, to avoid many pitfalls that the “old locals” went through! A wonderful group, exceptional young people, whom you would never say live in a home, beautiful, well-dressed, hard-working, some of them are already working, and they achieve all this themselves and move forward! Many thanks to Radisson Collection Hotel, Old Mill Belgrade who provided us with his wonderful space to work for free, as well as food and drinks! We invite all donors to get involved because the funds for this program are currently limited We do not have, but we provide HUGE support to these young people without parents who grow up alone in foster care, most of them from birth

Predstavljanje projekta “Samostalan, ali ne sam”

Tim Centra Zvezda i tim Centra za unapredjenje društva posetili su dom za decu i omladinu “Moše Pijade” gde smo predstavili projekat “Samostalan, ali ne sam”.
Ovo je poslednji dom koji smo posetili sa ciljem predstavljanja projekta. Sledeći korak je zakazan za početak juna, kada ćemo organizovati zajedničko okupljanje mladih i mentora sa ciljem medjusobnog upoznavanja i povezivanja.❤️

The team of the Center Zvezda and the team of the Center for the Advancement of Society visited the “Moše Pijade” home for children and youth, where we presented the project “Independent, but not alone”. This is the last home we visited to present the project. The next step is scheduled for the beginning of June, when we will organize a joint gathering of young people and mentors with the aim of getting to know each other and connecting.❤️