Donacija paketa hemije u novembru 2024 godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa @duel._beohemija u novembru mesecu pakete hemije podelio je na tri adrese:
1. Centar Reto-Ima nade😊 U pitanju je neprofitna humanitarna organizacija čija je glavna delatnost rehabilitacija i resocijalizacija osoba koje imaju probleme sa alkoholom i narkomanijom
2. Preko Crvenog krsta Barajevo paketi hemije donirani su samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama sa ove teritorije
3. Preko Crvenog krsta Rakovica paketi hemije donirani su samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama 😊
U jednom paketu hemije nalaze se prašak za veš, omekšivač i tečnost za pranje podova. Ovog meseca donirano je 250 pameta hemije❤️

In November, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” in cooperation with @duel._beohemija distributed chemistry packages to three addresses: 1. Center Reto-Ima nade😊 It is a non-profit humanitarian organization whose main activity is the rehabilitation and resocialization of people who have problems with alcohol and drug addiction 2. Through the Barajevo Red Cross, chemical packages were donated to single and socially vulnerable families from this territory 3. Through the Rakovica Red Cross, chemistry packages were donated to single and socially disadvantaged families 😊 One package of chemistry contains washing powder, laundry detergent and floor washing liquid. This month, 250 chemistry brains were donated❤️

Donacija paketa hemija za oktobar 2024 godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa @duel._beohemija u oktobru mesecu donirao je pakovanja hemije na četiri adrese:
1. 10 paketa donirano je Domu za decu i omladinu “Vera Blagojević” u Banji Koviljači
2. 10 paketa donirano je Domu Nade
3. Preko Kola srpskih sestara donirano je 30 paketa hemije samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama sa teritorije Leskovac
4. Preko Crvenog krsta Bujanovac podeljeno je 200 paketa hemije samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama
U paketu hemije nalaze se prašak za veš, omekšivač i tečnost za brisanje podova.🥰
Ukupno je podeljeno 250 paketa ovog meseca😍❤️
Veliko hvala @duel._beohemija!❤️

The “Center for the Improvement of Society” in cooperation with @duel._beohemija in October donated packages of chemistry to four addresses: 1. 10 packages were donated to the Home for Children and Youth “Vera Blagojević” in Banja Koviljača 2. 10 packages were donated to the House of Hope 3. Via the Circle of Serbian Sisters, 30 packages of chemistry were donated to single-parent and socially vulnerable families from the territory of Leskovac 4. Through the Bujanovac Red Cross, 200 packages of chemistry were distributed to single and socially vulnerable families The chemistry package includes washing powder, fabric softener and liquid for mopping floors A total of 250 packages were distributed this month😍❤️ Big thanks to @duel._beohemija!❤️

Gostovanje u emisiji “Dobro jutro Srbijo”

Jutros smo pričali o položaju samohranih roditelja, kojima se “Centar za unapredjenje društv” bavi već godinu dana, zahvaljujući programu podrške koji je pokrenula #beohemija #duel
Kroz taj program ulažemo odredjena finansijska sredstva kako bi olakšali život ovih roditelja.
Danas je za Happy tv pričala i Djurdjice, majka kojoj smo kupili šporet (kuva i licitire obrocima, gde pomaže i drugim bolesnim licima), kako bi lečila bolesno dete a i zajedno preživeli!
Hvala donatorima na izuzetnoj podršci za ove ljude❤️

This morning we talked about the situation of single parents, which the “Center for the Improvement of Society” has been dealing with for a year, thanks to the support program launched by #beohemija #duel Through this program, we invest certain financial resources to make life easier for these parents. Today, Djurdjice, the mother we bought a stove for (she cooks and auctions meals, where she helps other sick people), also talked about Djurdjice, so that she could treat a sick child and survive together! Thank you to the donors for the extraordinary support for these people❤️

Podela praška- septembar 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa Beohemijom, u septembru mesecu je donirao pakete hemije na dve adrese u Somboru. 200 paketa donirano je Crvenom krstu Sombor, koji će pakete deliti ugroženim porodicama, a 30 paketa donirano je Domu za decu bez roditeljskog staranja “Mika Antić” u Somboru.
Paket hemije sastoji se od:
1. Džaka praškastog deterdženta od 2,4kg LAVANDER ALMOND
2. Boce omekšivača od 800ml HAPPY FAMILY
3. Boce tečnosti za podove 1l BLUE WAVE
Hvala firmi Beohemija što nastavlja da prepoznaje potrebe ugroženih grupa širom Srbije i pomaže im!❤️

In September, the Center for the Advancement of Society, in cooperation with Beohemija, donated packages of chemistry to two addresses in Sombor. 200 packages were donated to the Sombor Red Cross, which will distribute the packages to vulnerable families, and 30 packages were donated to the Home for Children Without Parental Care “Mika Antić” in Sombor. The chemistry package consists of: 1. Bag of 2.4 kg powder detergent LAVANDER ALMOND 2. 800ml HAPPY FAMILY fabric softener bottles 3. Bottles of liquid for floors 1l BLUE WAVE Thank you to Beohemija for continuing to recognize the needs of vulnerable groups throughout Serbia and helping them!

Podela praška ugroženim grupama- avgust 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u mesecu avgustu pakete hemije podelio na dve adrese u Beloj Crkvi:
1. 100 paketa hemije donirano ne Crvenom Krstu u Beloj Crkvi, a oni će pakete deliti ugrožnim porodicama🥰
2. 60 paketa hemije donirano je domu za decu i omladinu “Vera Radivojević” u Beloj Crkvi! Ovim potezom, obezbedili smo dom hemijom za naredna 3 meseca!😍
Paket hemije sastoji se od:
1. Džaka praškastog deterdženta od 2,4kg LAVANDER ALMOND
2. Boce omekšivača od 800ml HAPPY FAMILY
3. Boce tečnosti za podove 1l BLUE WAVE
Hvala firmi Beohemija što nastavlja da prepoznaje potrebe ugroženih grupa širom Srbije i pomaže im!

In the month of August, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” distributed chemistry packages to two addresses in Bela Crkva:

1. 100 packages of chemistry donated to the Red Cross in Bela Crkva, and they will distribute the packages to families at risk.

2. 60 packages of chemistry were donated to the home for children and youth “Vera Radivojević” in Bela Crkva! With this move, we secured a home with chemistry for the next 3 months!😍

The chemistry package consists of:

1. Bag of 2.4 kg powder detergent LAVANDER ALMOND

2. 800ml HAPPY FAMILY fabric softener bottles

3. Bottles of liquid for floors 1l BLUE WAVE

Thank you to Beohemija for continuing to recognize the needs of vulnerable groups throughout Serbia and helping them!