Širenje programa “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”- SOS Dečje selo

Konačno smo realizovali sastanak sa kolegama iz “Dečjeg sela”, doma za decu bez roditeljskog staranja, koji je zaista koncipirano kao jedna velika porodica!
Povod je predivan a to je širenje projekta “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”, programa individualne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja i u ovom domu❤️
Napravili smo nacrt i prvi korak i krećemo uskoro sa realizacijom!
Hvala kolegama koji u ovom domu realizuju bezbroj edukativnih i kreativnih aktivnosti al su vrlo zainteresovani i za ovaj program jer su sigurni da je ovakva koncept neverovatno koristan i to naročito za mlade od 14 do 18 godina (što do sada nismo radili).
Tako da su nam zadali zadatak a mi verujemo da to možemo, da pokrijemo i malu decu, kao i mlade, ukupno njih 75❤️
Hvala firmi BLACK ROCK koja finansijski podržava ovaj program!

Finally, we realized a meeting with colleagues from “Children’s Village”, a home for children without parental care, which is really conceived as one big family! The occasion is wonderful, and it is the expansion of the “Let’s get together and learn together” project, a program of individual support for children without parental care and in this home❤️ We have made a draft and the first step and we will soon start with the implementation! Thank you to the colleagues who implement countless educational and creative activities in this home, but they are also very interested in this program because they are sure that this kind of concept is incredibly useful, especially for young people from 14 to 18 years old (which we have not done so far). So they gave us a task, and we believe we can do it, to cover small children as well as young people, a total of 75 of them❤️ Thanks to the company BLACK ROCK, which financially supports this program!

Supervizijski sastanak u okviru projekta “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”

Kako bismo podržali naše studente/praktikanti u radu sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja, trudimo se da organizujemo što redovnije supervizije kako bismo analizirali rezultate, primere dobre prakse (za koje su oni zaslužni) i rešili dileme u radu kako bi bili još bolji!
Danas smo supervizirali 17 njih, ostale čekamo na Zoom-u narednih dana 🙂
Hvala na ogromnoj podršci firmama Duel Srbija , MONA, BLACK ROCK ❤️
Hvala puno BOSCH-u na vaučerima Vulkan knjižare za naše volontere!

In order to support our students/practitioners in working with children without parental care, we try to organize as regular supervisions as possible in order to analyze the results, examples of good practice (for which they are responsible) and solve dilemmas in their work so that they can be even better! Today we supervised 17 of them, we are waiting for the rest on Zoom in the coming days 🙂

Thanks for the huge support to the companies Duel Srbija, MONA, BLACK ROCK ❤️

Many thanks to BOSCH for the Vulkan bookstore vouchers for our volunteers!

Sednica foruma za društveno odgovorno poslovanje

Koliko je korisno sve sto radimo pokazuje i učešće  Centar ZA Unapređenje Društva na “Sednici foruma za društveno odgovorno poslovanje” u Privrednoj komori Srbije danas.

Bili smo jedno od dva udruženja koja su imala priliku da pred Savetom prezentuje svoj rad a naročito naš program inkluzivne podrške deci bez roditeljskog staranja, pod nazivom “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”.

Forum će nas preporučiti svojim članicama kako bi smo dobili sredstva da program širimo i na druge gradove u Srbiji!

Hvala saradnicima  Alem Dedovic i Ljubiši Jovanović na učešću i podršci danas takodje.

Title: Session of the forum for socially responsible business

How useful everything we do is shown by the participation of the Center for the Improvement of Society at the “Session of the Forum for Socially Responsible Business” at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce today.

We were one of the two associations that had the opportunity to present their work before the Council, especially our program of inclusive support for children without parental care, called “Let’s socialize and learn together”.

The forum will recommend us to its members so that we can get funds to spread the program to other cities in Serbia!

Thanks to colleagues Alem Dedovic and Ljubiša Jovanović for their participation and support today as well.