Donacija paketa hemija za oktobar 2024 godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa @duel._beohemija u oktobru mesecu donirao je pakovanja hemije na četiri adrese:
1. 10 paketa donirano je Domu za decu i omladinu “Vera Blagojević” u Banji Koviljači
2. 10 paketa donirano je Domu Nade
3. Preko Kola srpskih sestara donirano je 30 paketa hemije samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama sa teritorije Leskovac
4. Preko Crvenog krsta Bujanovac podeljeno je 200 paketa hemije samohranim i socijalno ugroženim porodicama
U paketu hemije nalaze se prašak za veš, omekšivač i tečnost za brisanje podova.🥰
Ukupno je podeljeno 250 paketa ovog meseca😍❤️
Veliko hvala @duel._beohemija!❤️

The “Center for the Improvement of Society” in cooperation with @duel._beohemija in October donated packages of chemistry to four addresses: 1. 10 packages were donated to the Home for Children and Youth “Vera Blagojević” in Banja Koviljača 2. 10 packages were donated to the House of Hope 3. Via the Circle of Serbian Sisters, 30 packages of chemistry were donated to single-parent and socially vulnerable families from the territory of Leskovac 4. Through the Bujanovac Red Cross, 200 packages of chemistry were distributed to single and socially vulnerable families The chemistry package includes washing powder, fabric softener and liquid for mopping floors A total of 250 packages were distributed this month😍❤️ Big thanks to @duel._beohemija!❤️

Podela praška- septembar 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” u saradnji sa Beohemijom, u septembru mesecu je donirao pakete hemije na dve adrese u Somboru. 200 paketa donirano je Crvenom krstu Sombor, koji će pakete deliti ugroženim porodicama, a 30 paketa donirano je Domu za decu bez roditeljskog staranja “Mika Antić” u Somboru.
Paket hemije sastoji se od:
1. Džaka praškastog deterdženta od 2,4kg LAVANDER ALMOND
2. Boce omekšivača od 800ml HAPPY FAMILY
3. Boce tečnosti za podove 1l BLUE WAVE
Hvala firmi Beohemija što nastavlja da prepoznaje potrebe ugroženih grupa širom Srbije i pomaže im!❤️

In September, the Center for the Advancement of Society, in cooperation with Beohemija, donated packages of chemistry to two addresses in Sombor. 200 packages were donated to the Sombor Red Cross, which will distribute the packages to vulnerable families, and 30 packages were donated to the Home for Children Without Parental Care “Mika Antić” in Sombor. The chemistry package consists of: 1. Bag of 2.4 kg powder detergent LAVANDER ALMOND 2. 800ml HAPPY FAMILY fabric softener bottles 3. Bottles of liquid for floors 1l BLUE WAVE Thank you to Beohemija for continuing to recognize the needs of vulnerable groups throughout Serbia and helping them!

Donacija kroz projekat “Dinar za samohrane roditelje”

Naš “Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u okviru projekta podrške samohranim roditeljima, koji realizuje u saradnji sa Beohemijom, kupio novi šporet za samohranu majku Djurdjicu❤️
Njen sin Vasilije je, pre 5 godina, pao sa terase dok je pokušavao da slika selfie. Vasilije je ostao nepokretan posle ove nezgode.
Preko fondacije BUDI HUMAN dobijaju neke medicinske preparate i lekove, a Vasilije je imao čak 4 operacije u inostranstvu.
Majka pored stalne brige za sina, preko Facebook stranice “Budi human-SMS pokloni i licitacije” licitira gotova jela koja pravi i na taj način skuplja novac za lečenje sina! Mi smo razgovarali sa majkom i zajedno doneli odluku da je najpotrebnije trenutno da im kupimo šporet, kako bi majka mogla da nastavi da kuva.❤️
Fenomenalna akcija majke pomaže im da se izbore za Vasilijevo bolje sutra!😍 Ipak, ukoliko ste u mogućnosti, pozivamo Vas da pošaljete poruku ili uplatite novac na žiro račun! Troškovi lečenja su veliki, a samo fizikalna terapija mesečno košta 100 000dinara.

Our “Center for the Advancement of Society” has bought a new stove for a single mother Djurdjica as part of the project of support for single parents, which is implemented in cooperation with Beohemija. Her son Vasilije, 5 years ago, fell from the terrace while trying to take a selfie. Vasilije remained motionless after this accident. Through the BE HUMAN foundation, they receive some medical preparations and medicines, and Vasilije had as many as 4 operations abroad. In addition to constant care for her son, the mother auctions the ready meals she makes through the Facebook page “Be human-SMS gifts and bids” and thus raises money for her son’s treatment! We talked with the mother and together we decided that the most necessary thing right now is to buy them a stove, so that the mother can continue cooking.❤️ The mother’s phenomenal action helps them to fight for Vasili’s better tomorrow!😍 Nevertheless, if you are able, we invite you to send a message or pay money to the giro account! Treatment costs are high, and physical therapy alone costs 100,000 dinars per month.

Podela praška ugorženim grupama jul 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u juli mesecu pakete hemije podelio na dve adrese:
1. 132 paketa donirano je @sosdecijasela
2. 100 paketa hemije donirano je Radnoj jedinici Marerinski dom u Beogradu
U jednom paketu hemije nalazi se:
1. 2,4kg Kosovo white spring praškasti deterdzent
2. 1,6l Duel soft lotus omekšivač
3. 1l Pompa Blue Wave tečnost za podove

In July, the Center for the Advancement of Society distributed chemistry packages to two addresses:

1. 132 packages were donated to @sosdecijasela

2. 100 packages of chemistry were donated to the Working Unit Marerinski dom in Belgrade

One chemistry pack contains:

1. 2.4 kg Kosovo white spring powder detergent

2. 1.6l Duel soft lotus softener

3. 1l Pompa Blue Wave liquid for floors

Pomozimo Pavlu!

Pomozimo Pavlu i njegovoj mami!
Pavle je rodjen kao prevremeno rodjena beba što je izazvalo mnogo zdravstvenih problema. Bez obzira na to, njegova majka se svakoga dana lavovski bori za njegov život i što kvalitetnije detinjstvo.❤️
Kako bi Pavle nastavio sa razvijanjem motorike, potreban mu je bicikl sa pomoćnim točkovima. Takodje, potrebno je prikupiti sredstva za tretmane logopeda i psihologa!😊
Hajde da budemo humani i Pavlu omogućimo što kvalitetniji život!😍

Let’s help Pavlo and his mom! Pavle was born as a premature baby which caused many health problems. Regardless, his mother fights like a lion every day for his life and the best possible childhood.❤️ In order for Pavle to continue developing his motor skills, he needs a bicycle with auxiliary wheels. Also, it is necessary to collect funds for speech therapist and psychologist treatments!😊 Let’s be humane and provide Pavlo with the best possible quality of life!😍