Uživo gostovanje u emisiji DAN na televiziji N1

Dušica Jeleč, predsednica Centra za unapređenje društva, gostovala je u emisiji Dan na televiziji N1, u kojoj je prezentovala rezultate dugogodišnjeg rada Centra sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja. Ovim putem uputila je i apel studentima humanističkih nauka iz Bele Crkve i okoline da se priključe program i rade sa mališanima iz doma u Beloj Crkvi.

Potrebno nam je 10 studenata volontera koji bi kroz direktan rad sa decom razvili svoje profesionalne veštine

Svi zainteresovani svoju radnu biografiju mogu poslati na imejl-adresu proslediti na cudrustvo@gmail.com sa naznakom DECA BELA CRKVA.

Posebno se ahvaljujemo Igoru Košutu!


June 23rd, 2023. Live appearance on the show “DAN” on N1 Television

Dušica Jeleč, President of the Center for Society Advancement, appeared on the “DAN” show on N1 Television, where she presented the results of the Center’s long-standing work with children without parental care. She also issued an appeal to students of humanities in Bela Crkva and the surrounding areas to join the program and work with children from the Bela Crkva institution for children without parential care.

We are in need of 10 volunteer students who, through direct interaction with the children, will develop their professional skills. All interested individuals can send their resumes to the email address cudrustvo@gmail.com, with the subject “DECA BELA CRKVA.”

Special thanks to Igor Košut!

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