Održan sastanak sa stručnim timom povodom projekata Družimo se i učimo zajedno i Samostalan ali ne sam

Održan je sastanak stručnih timova povodom dva projekta:

  1. Družimo se i učimo zajedno, posvećen maloj deci i
  2. Samostalan ali ne sam, namenjen mladima.

Centar za unapređenje društva je nosilac prvog projekta,a na drugom je parnter. Nosilac projekta Samostalan ali ne sam je Centar Zvezda.

Ustanovili smo da ovi programi terba da budu deo svakodnevnog rada vaspitača i deo individualnog plana za svako dete. Zahvaljujući individualnom radu, ovo su potezi koji iz korena menjaju život dece bez roditeljskog staranja.

Ponosni smo na sve što radimo, naročito kada su deca u pitanju!


April 20th, 2023, a meeting was held with the expert team regarding the projects “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” (Let’s Play and Learn Together) and “Samostalan ali ne sam” (Independent but Not Alone)

The meeting addressed two projects:

  1. “Družimo se i učimo zajedno,” focusing on young children, led by the Center for Society Advancement,
  2. “Samostalan ali ne sam,” targeted at young people, with the Center Zvezda as the project leader and the Center for Society Advancement as a partner.

It was established that these programs should be an integral part of the daily work of educators and included in the individual plan for each child. Through individualized efforts, these initiatives are fundamentally changing the lives of children without parental care.

We are proud of all that we do, especially when it comes to the well-being of children!


Pročitaj  ERASMUS+ projekat za odrasle