Dan za stručne sastanke. Jedan sastanak vodi “Centar za unapređenje društva” u saradnji sa “Zvečanskom 7” za mališane do 11 godina, a na drugom je naš Centar partner Centru za socijalnu integraciju “Zvezda” i sastanak se odnosi na rad sa mladima koji se spremaju za izlazak iz doma. Ideja je da mladi koji su bili u domu a osamostalili se, budu mentori mladima koji tek izlaze. Reč je o odličnim projektima zasnovanim na cilju razvoja veština za samostalnost ovih mališana. Definisali smo rezultate, nedostatke i nove staze a uskoro krećemo u posetu domovima i u realizaciju projekata. March 23rd, 2023 Expert team meetings held regarding projects dedicated to children without parental care It was a day for professional discussions. One meeting was led by the “Center for Society Advancement” in collaboration with “Zvečanska 7,” focusing on children up to 11 years old. The other meeting involved collaboration between our Center and the Center for Social Integration “Zvezda,” focusing on working with young people preparing to leave care institutions. The idea is for those who have successfully transitioned from care to mentor those who are just leaving. These are excellent projects aimed at developing skills for the independence of these children. During the meetings, results, shortcomings, and new paths were defined, and soon the teams will begin visiting care facilities to initiate project implementation.

Dan za stručne sastanke. Jedan sastanak vodi “Centar za unapređenje društva” u saradnji sa “Zvečanskom 7” za mališane do 11 godina, a na drugom je naš Centar partner Centru za socijalnu integraciju “Zvezda” i sastanak se odnosi na rad sa mladima koji se spremaju za izlazak iz doma. Ideja je da mladi koji su bili u domu a osamostalili se, budu mentori mladima koji tek izlaze. Reč je o odličnim projektima zasnovanim na cilju razvoja veština za samostalnost ovih mališana.

Definisali smo rezultate, nedostatke i nove staze a uskoro krećemo u posetu domovima i u realizaciju projekata.


Expert team meetings held regarding projects dedicated to children without parental care

It was a day for professional discussions. One meeting was led by the “Center for Society Advancement” in collaboration with “Zvečanska 7,” focusing on children up to 11 years old. The other meeting involved collaboration between our Center and the Center for Social Integration “Zvezda,” focusing on working with young people preparing to leave care institutions. The idea is for those who have successfully transitioned from care to mentor those who are just leaving. These are excellent projects aimed at developing skills for the independence of these children.

During the meetings, results, shortcomings, and new paths were defined, and soon the teams will begin visiting care facilities to initiate project implementation.

Definisane izmene programa “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”

Juče je Centar za unapređenje društva u saradnji sa supervizorom za projekat Družimo se i učimo zajedno, namenjen deci bez roditeljskog staranja, definisao izmene programa u cilju prilagođavanja životu i navikama dece iz doma Vera Radivojević u Beloj Crkvi.

Umesto individualnog rada radiće se grupno, kako bismo pokrili svih dvadesetoro mališana koji žele da nešto kreativno i zabavno rade u slobodno vreme.

Radićemo kreativne, edukativne radionice, kao i sprtske aktivnosti!

Ništa ne bi bilo moguće da se nisu uključili četvoro mladih ljudi, tačnije studenata psihologije, koji će sve dogovoreno sprovoditi u delo jednom nedeljno 12 meseci.


Defined Changes to the “Let’s Play and Learn Together” Program

Yesterday, in collaboration with the project supervisor for the “Let’s Play and Learn Together”, focused at children without parental care, the Center for Society Advancement defined modifications to the program to better align with the lives and habits of children from the Vera Radivojević institution in Bela Crkva.

Instead of individual sessions, group activities will be conducted to accommodate all twenty children who wish to engage in creative and enjoyable activities during their free time. We will organize creative, educational workshops, as well as sports activities!

None of this would be possible without the involvement of four young individuals, specifically psychology students, who will implement all agreed-upon activities once a week for a period of 12 months.

Održana onlajn obuka i sastanak sa koordinatorom

Zahvaljujući Dunji, uključeno još 8 studenata humanističkih nauka u rad sa mladim slepim licima. Po prvi put imali smo zainteresovane sa Defektološkog fakulteta u ovolikom broju. Bravo za našu Dunju!


February 28th, 2023 An online training session and meeting held with the coordinator

Thanks to Dunja, 8 more students from humanities disciplines have joined the work with young visually impaired individuals. For the first time, we had interest from the Faculty of Defectology in such numbers. Bravo for our Dunja!

Radna nedelja u Centru za unapređenje društva

Nasa Nađa Janjić  ove nedelje podelila je džeparac studentima kako bi prilikom raznih aktivnosti uživali u druženju sa decom bez roditelja. U program je trenutno uključeno 26 studenata i dece. Ponosni smo na predanost i posvećenost mališana i studenata volontera koji su uključeni u naš program. Ponosni smo i na to sto započinjemo isti program u domu za decu u Beloj Crkvi. Verujemo da će nam se pružiti prilika da povećamo visinu džeparca, kako bi ovo druženje bilo još kvalitetnije i potpunije.

Ovaj dan ulepšala je i jedna divna kuca, koju je naša koleginica Nađa spasila. Nadamo se da će joj neko pružiti topao dom pun ljubavi.


January 22nd, 2023 Working Sunday at the Center for Society Advancement

This Sunday our team member Nađa Janjić distributed allowances to students so that they could enjoy various activities and socialize with children without parential care. Currently, 26 students and children are involved in the program. We are proud of the dedication and commitment shown by both the little ones and the volunteer students in our program. We are also proud to announce the initiation of the same program in a children’s home in Bela Crkva. We believe that there will be opportunities to increase the allowance amount, making these interactions even more meaningful and fulfilling.


The day was brightened by the rescue of a wonderful dog by our colleague Nađa. We hope that someone will provide a warm and loving home for this puppy.