Our friend and associate Miroslav Zdravković once again organized a gathering of blind and sighted people! The goal of these gatherings is the inclusion of blind people, as well as breaking prejudices about them! Also, at these get-togethers, the blind have the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends, which is extremely important!❤️ Our “Center for the Advancement of Society”, as before, stands by Miroslav and supports these gatherings because he recognizes their importance! First of all, thanks to Miroslav for the wonderful organization of the event, this time there were as many as 50 wonderful people! 🥰 Thanks also to the wonderful people who came to support this gathering, namely Stefan Popović and Kristina Radenković from RTS, wonderful people from the municipality of Zvezdara, from the Association of Dramatic Artists of Serbia, as well as people from the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković “. Also, a big thank you to the psychologist Snežana Repac, the students of the Academy for Human Development, as well as the actors Željka Gordinski, Zoran Ćosić and Ana Savić Vasiljević❤️
Many thanks for the wonderful hospitality of the “Faculty of Sports and Physical Education” from Novi Sad and Professor Jovan Vuković! As the “Center for the Improvement of Society” is preparing to expand the project for children without parental care to the “Children’s Village” home in Sremska Kamenica, today the first promotion of the program was held in front of the master’s degree students of the said faculty! The faculty, which has many times motivated its students to help others and who visited these children many times during their undergraduate studies, now have the opportunity to work professionally with them and develop their pedagogical skills, because as future teachers of physical education, this discipline is also very important ! It is also very important that this program will be recognized as a professional practice within the subject of the same name at the university! In the coming period, we will also visit other faculties in Novi Sad, which include social studies! Once again, we thank the #Faculty of Sport and Physical Education for recognizing the best practice for their students🤗 Thanks also to Elena Petrovski for sharing with the students her very nice experience in working with these children, who is still a high school student❤️ Many thanks to the companies Beohemija and MONA for supporting this project!❤️
Svašta smo radili u okviru projekta “Družimo se i učimo zajedno” u prethodna četiri meseca.
Za početak, održali smo dva supervizijska sastanka sa našim vrednim volonterima, i dve obuke na kojima je prisustvovalo čak 13 studenata koji su se odmah nakon nje i priključili projektu😍
Organizovali smo najrazličitije aktivnosti za mališane. Trudili smo se da aktivnosti budu raznovrsne, kako bi mališani upoznali svašta novo i uživali u različitim aktivnostima!
Jedna od glavnih aktivnosti u prethodnom periodu bio je edukativno-terapeutski celodnevni izlet na koji je krenulo čak 30 dece!🥰 Na izletu, mališani su videli Krupajsko vrelo, Manastir Manasiju i obišli su Resavsku pećinu, uživali su u užinama i ručku i pravili balončiće od sapunice❤️ Deca su izletom bila oduševljena, neki su i plakali kada je izletu došao kraj i neprestano pitaju kada ćemo ponovo ići😍
Pored izleta, volonteri redovno sa mališanima imaju individualne ili grupne aktivnosti, nekad se igraju, nekad uče nešto novo, a nekada samo žele da razgovaraju o tome šta ih muči.
Vrednost ovog projekta prepoznaje sve više institucija, pa smo tako uspeli da obezbedimo besplatne ulaznice za Zoo vrt, Botaničku baštu, lutkarsko pozorište Pinokio, muzej Iluzija, muzej čokolade, muzej paranormalnih aktivnosti, Dino park, kao i besplatno korišćenje rekvizita na Adi.
Pored svega toga, organizovali smo i odlazak na Hipodrom gde smo imali priliku da gledamo trku konja!😊
Mnogo smo ponosni na sve što radimo za ove predivne mališane i znamo da ćemo nastaviti da, iz dana u dan radimo na što boljem detinjstvu ove ranjive grupe!❤️
Ništa od ovoga ne bi bilo moguće bez donatora koji prepoznaju važnost ovog projekta! Veliko hvala Beohemija i MONA na podršci!
This morning, Rano jutro TV HAPPY (we broadcast today between 5:30 and 6 in the morning 🙂 Today we talked about our most important project for children without parental care “Let’s socialize and learn together”. About the expansion of the project throughout Serbia, more precisely the White Church and Children’s Village in Sremska Kamenica. Thank you to our volunteer Marija Bažarević, who talked about her experiences with the child, which are really wonderful Thanks to host Milena Popović for the invitation 🙂 Thanks to Beohemija and MONA for their support!♥️