Definisane izmene programa “Družimo se i učimo zajedno”

Juče je Centar za unapređenje društva u saradnji sa supervizorom za projekat Družimo se i učimo zajedno, namenjen deci bez roditeljskog staranja, definisao izmene programa u cilju prilagođavanja životu i navikama dece iz doma Vera Radivojević u Beloj Crkvi.

Umesto individualnog rada radiće se grupno, kako bismo pokrili svih dvadesetoro mališana koji žele da nešto kreativno i zabavno rade u slobodno vreme.

Radićemo kreativne, edukativne radionice, kao i sprtske aktivnosti!

Ništa ne bi bilo moguće da se nisu uključili četvoro mladih ljudi, tačnije studenata psihologije, koji će sve dogovoreno sprovoditi u delo jednom nedeljno 12 meseci.


Defined Changes to the “Let’s Play and Learn Together” Program

Yesterday, in collaboration with the project supervisor for the “Let’s Play and Learn Together”, focused at children without parental care, the Center for Society Advancement defined modifications to the program to better align with the lives and habits of children from the Vera Radivojević institution in Bela Crkva.

Instead of individual sessions, group activities will be conducted to accommodate all twenty children who wish to engage in creative and enjoyable activities during their free time. We will organize creative, educational workshops, as well as sports activities!

None of this would be possible without the involvement of four young individuals, specifically psychology students, who will implement all agreed-upon activities once a week for a period of 12 months.

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