ERASMUS+ program za decu
Srećni smo uvek kada započne još neka dobra priča koja ima svoju težinu!
Danas otpočeo ERASMUS program, u saradnji sa Turskom, neformalno obrazovanje dece.
Program u Srbiji realizuje “Centar za Unapredjenje društva” i OŠ “Dragojlo Dudić” .
Danas smo imali predivno druženje i prijem turskih mališana u dvorištu škole

Očekuje ih puno novog znanja, prijateljstva, obilazak Beograda, zabave, sporta!
Svaka čast direktorki Daniela Pavic koja je uvek spremna za nove projekte i izazove!
Uživate drugari, svi smo tu za vas
We are always happy when another good story begins that has its weight! Today started the ERASMUS program, in cooperation with Turkey, non-formal education of children. The program in Serbia is implemented by the “Center for Social Development” and the Elementary School “Dragojlo Dudić”. Today we had a wonderful gathering and reception of Turkish children in the school yard🤗 A lot of new knowledge, friendship, a tour of Belgrade, fun, sports await them! Kudos to director Daniela Pavic, who is always ready for new projects and challenges! Enjoy guys, we are all here for you