Podela praška ugroženim grupama- avgust 2024.godine

“Centar za unapredjenje društva” je u mesecu avgustu pakete hemije podelio na dve adrese u Beloj Crkvi:
1. 100 paketa hemije donirano ne Crvenom Krstu u Beloj Crkvi, a oni će pakete deliti ugrožnim porodicama🥰
2. 60 paketa hemije donirano je domu za decu i omladinu “Vera Radivojević” u Beloj Crkvi! Ovim potezom, obezbedili smo dom hemijom za naredna 3 meseca!😍
Paket hemije sastoji se od:
1. Džaka praškastog deterdženta od 2,4kg LAVANDER ALMOND
2. Boce omekšivača od 800ml HAPPY FAMILY
3. Boce tečnosti za podove 1l BLUE WAVE
Hvala firmi Beohemija što nastavlja da prepoznaje potrebe ugroženih grupa širom Srbije i pomaže im!

In the month of August, the “Center for the Advancement of Society” distributed chemistry packages to two addresses in Bela Crkva:

1. 100 packages of chemistry donated to the Red Cross in Bela Crkva, and they will distribute the packages to families at risk.

2. 60 packages of chemistry were donated to the home for children and youth “Vera Radivojević” in Bela Crkva! With this move, we secured a home with chemistry for the next 3 months!😍

The chemistry package consists of:

1. Bag of 2.4 kg powder detergent LAVANDER ALMOND

2. 800ml HAPPY FAMILY fabric softener bottles

3. Bottles of liquid for floors 1l BLUE WAVE

Thank you to Beohemija for continuing to recognize the needs of vulnerable groups throughout Serbia and helping them!

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