Prva donacija u okviru projekta podrške samohranim roditeljima

Naš “Centar za unapredjenje društva” uručio je prvu donaciju u okviru programa podrške samohranim roditeljima, a koju realizuje u saradnji sa firmom Bieohija🥰
Samohranoj majci iz Niša, koja je invalid multiple skleroze, a koja ima četvoro dece, kupili smo krevet i orman kako bi im omogućili bolje i lepše uslove za život, a deci uslove sa bezbrižno odrastanje❤️
Pozivamo sve ljude da se uključe u ovu akciju kako bi što više samohranih porodica dobilo šansu za bolju budućnost!

Our “Center for the Advancement of Society” presented the first donation within the support program for single parents, which is realized in cooperation with the company Biohija. We bought a bed and a wardrobe for a single mother from Niš, who is disabled by multiple sclerosis and has four children, in order to provide them with better and more beautiful living conditions, and for the children to grow up carefree❤️ We invite all people to join this action so that as many single families as possible get a chance for a better future!🤩

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